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  1. henless


    I don't know how I missed your post! So sorry you have lost some of your ducks. How is the survivor doing? Welcome to BYC! We were in San Antonio last year for our vacation. It was hot, but we had lots of fun. I always wondered if these things worked or not. I like the one with all the...
  2. henless


    A chicken yard without chickens is like a horse barn without horses. So sorry you lost your two girls. Hopefully once you get moved (or decide to stay where you are) you will be able to get more chickens. I'm not able to get another horse for my empty barn, so I put chickens in it instead.
  3. henless


    You will have to excuse my spelling. I'm really a pretty good speller, but since I've been taking my chemo, it really puts me in a "brain fog". I do catch a lot of my spelling mistakes, but some do slip by. Again, sorry to have driven some of you crazy. I will try to watch it closer in the...
  4. henless


    I went soy free/gmo free feed due to the fact that I have Rheumatoid Disease. I know I feel better when I eat right, but there comes a time when you have to weigh all the pros/cons and then go with it. I don't like eating fishy tasting eggs, and I know it has come from the feed except for the...
  5. henless


    So far, we haven't had any problems with cocci either. We've only raised 2 batches of chicks, but I haven't used medicated feed on either batch. I wasn't thrilled about having to get the medicated Purina for the new chicks. I'll look into the Dumore for them. I give mine all kinds of things...
  6. henless


    What are her symptoms?
  7. henless


    You don't have a problem feeding them a feed with no animal protein in it? Why do you switch them to the Flock Raiser instead of leaving them on the Dumore? Is it because the Dumore is not medicated? I plan on doing both, dual purpose and semi serious breeding. I have English Orps for the dual...
  8. henless


    My hens prefer the large flake shavings over hay. The prefer the ground over small flake shavings. I ran out of the large ones last year and had to buy the small ones. They pack down a lot, and I had a couple of my hens go to laying on the floor in protest. Luckily, they went back to nest laying...
  9. henless


    That is how it is here. I don't have a problem with snakes. They can carry on their merry little way as long as it is not in my yard. One of my dogs got bit last year by a snake. I'm sure he was after it, which is why he got bit. I don't want to lose any eggs/chicks/chickens to snakes, but my...
  10. henless


    Good luck & thanks for the upcoming updates! I will be needing to get me one soon, so I will be watching to see how you like this one. I agree. You can tell a lot about people from what is going on in the background. That said, my barn looks a fright due to all the building that I have...
  11. henless


    Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope everyone had a fun and safe day today. :)
  12. henless


    My reworked coops have hardware cloth for all 4 sides. I put up clear plastic on the open sides last Winter and it worked great! I plan on doing the same this year. I think its the best way for Texas. Heat is more of a problem for us than the cold. Sorry about your bielvelder. Those are very...
  13. henless


    We've been lucky here so far. We got 1/2" rain yesterday, and today it's just been light rain so far. We are under a severe storm warning. A good size band is heading out way, so we should get some heavy rain out of it. Since I'm not able to work on my coop, been doing some much needed...
  14. henless


    I have a mixed laying flock of Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks & Easter Eggers. I have some 8 week old English Orps that are doing great. They have more feathers than my grown hens, lol. Just about any breed will be ok here, as long as you take the heat/humidity into consideration...
  15. henless


    No, we are not dry. We are not as wet as we were, but I wouldn't say we have dried out yet. Welcome! Ventilation? Here in Texas, I don't think you can have too much ventilation. Floor ventilation at night would be great for our summers. It gets hot/humid during the summer and they would...
  16. henless


    ...did get some more work done on mine today. I'm keeping my granddaughter over the summer, so even though I'm not getting as much accomplished as I would like, she does help and is great entertainment. eta: Speaking of rain, I hear thunder now. I sure needed to mow the yard this evening...
  17. henless


    That made me think of the movie Cujo.
  18. henless


    I would like to use acv in my chicken water. We have well water for the animals/garden/yard and when I add acv, a black cloud starts to form within a few days. I don't think it's the "mother" growing, since it is more black than the brown like in the bottle. When I use plain water, it stays...
  19. henless


    I've never heard to not put them in the coop if it's over 90. If you have one of those enclosed coops, with little to no ventilation, then I can understand not to do it at 90 or more. Be like putting them in an oven. Put them out there in the morning when it's cooler. Make sure they have...
  20. henless


    @Sweetfeathers ~ Good luck with your meeting!
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