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  1. 3xhhheather

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I came across Dragon Roost Farm at a flock swap this past Sunday, they had silkies in a few shades.
  2. 3xhhheather

    Weird Longterm Injury

    Will do, thanks so much for helping me out thinking through all this <3
  3. 3xhhheather

    Weird Longterm Injury

    He’s had a few good days where I think real progress is being made and then the next morning he’ll be back to wobbly and weak. Nope, he was totally fine. The limp he did have I attribute to his bumble, but that all cleared up by the time he was back outside. Before this his droppings were...
  4. 3xhhheather

    Weird Longterm Injury

    Just one more video I just grabbed, thanks yall!
  5. 3xhhheather

    Weird Longterm Injury

    Any help is appreciated as I’m at a loss. Banana Bread was being treated for a bumble, after being in hospital (my mudroom) he was slowly reintroduced back into the flock. His first full day back out with everyone I’m filling water buckets, hear a commotion and see that two males are fighting...
  6. 3xhhheather

    First Saturday Lime vs. Ag lime

    Still no issues over here and they love to scratch down into their bedding
  7. 3xhhheather

    Dumped Geese

    Just a lil update, when I went to grab them they were gone. Someone posted in my towns FB group that one of the local farmers was letting their geese out on the lake, so I’m hoping they were the ones that came and got them. Will be keeping an eye out!
  8. 3xhhheather

    5MO Pilgrim Gander - Central NC

    Hey there, nope it’s been a couple years since I found him a new home.
  9. 3xhhheather

    Dumped Geese

    ...I go trying to wrangle a bunch of geese at the local marina that showed up this morning, these are domestic right? The shape of the head and how there isn’t a real paunch in the lobe area gives me pause that *maybe* they could be some kind of greylag hybrid that’s passing through, but I doubt it.
  10. 3xhhheather

    Northern Fowl Mite Disgust

    It’s been a minute, but how did everything work out? Currently starting my own battle with NFM ://
  11. 3xhhheather

    ISO - Large Breed Hens/Pullets - WNY

    Looking to fix my rooster ratio before winter sets in and am interested in larger breeds (brahmas, orpington, wyandotte, etc) Budget 20 - 50 per hen. Located outside Ithaca, NY but can travel a ways.
  12. 3xhhheather

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Looking for about five hens, larger breeds (e.g. brahma, cochin, wyandotte, orpington) & close to exhibition quality, minor defects are fine. FB forums aren't showing much. Can travel a bit, just need to even out my roo-to-hen ratio.
  13. 3xhhheather

    Grey Sebastopol Geese

    No, not comfortable shipping geese this old.
  14. 3xhhheather

    Grey Sebastopol Geese

    Looking for $50 each 💜
  15. 3xhhheather

    Thank you 💜

    Thank you 💜
  16. 3xhhheather

    Grey Sebastopol Geese

    Four grey sebastopol geese hatched end of March looking for new digs - straight run full curl, can travel a bit for right home. Located in Western NY.
  17. 3xhhheather

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Never thought I would say this but I have too many geese lol I have four grey sebastopol hatched end of March looking for new digs. Located in Schuyler county but can travel.
  18. 3xhhheather

    Injured Comb

    Yep that was after cleaning, most areas had scabbed overnight.The black area has continued to progress, but her energy levels are good so I’ll continue to put ointment on the scabby swollen bits and wait and see for the rest. .
  19. 3xhhheather

    Injured Comb

    Missed this yesterday when putting everyone up, I’m guessing she got into a fight since she’s normally trying to start them. It looks like the one spike is dying off, anything to do? Or will it be like frostbite and just fall off?
  20. 3xhhheather

    Lawn Mowing

    I’m trying to avoid buying a new lawn mower, and hoping that maybe the geese can work off some of that watermelon/kale/frozen peas debt they’ve racked up 😆 They’ll be fenced in sections moved around the property, but up first is the front yard. It’s a group of nine adults and eight babies...
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