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  1. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    I got seven eggs from a lady in my area, only three hatched. She gave me three bantam Cochin eggs and four seramas. Four eggs were very tiny, three were about the size of my own bantam Cochins eggs. Now, she has other chickens, but apparently keeps them in another area. Maybe another one got in...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    But it is normal for whatever breed she might be, right? It doesn’t mean she’s sick or something?
  3. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    What confuses me is the black comb. Both her sisters are very red at this point, but only husks face is red.
  4. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    She is indeed a bantam
  5. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    so this is Husk. She’s about 17 weeks old now and I still have no clue what she is. Her sisters are clearly a serama and a cochin, but husk looks like neither. Any ideas? Her wattles are tiny compared to the other two, her comb is small and black. Eyes are very dark, long legs but not too long...
  6. Emrosenagel

    Guys or gals?

    That’s the best I can do; Husk is very skittish lol Her feet are yellow on the bottoms and she sounds like a crow or a goose when she clucks
  7. Emrosenagel

    Chicken is the correct t weight but very bony

    No, she isn’t blocked as far as I can tell. Nobody picks on her, but she is separated right now because of the crop issue. I’m just trying to figure out the weight thing.
  8. Emrosenagel

    Chicken is the correct t weight but very bony

    She has no worms or any parasites, no bacterial infections. Just had a fecal test done yesterday. As for diet, she will very rarely eat chicken feed. I don’t know why, but she would rather eat dirt and rocks and grass (and treats, obviously). She eats it on occasion but certainly not like the...
  9. Emrosenagel

    Chicken is the correct t weight but very bony

    Hello, I have a chicken that’s been having crop issues for a few months now. She eats, poops, lays and acts pretty normal, but her crop rarely empties entirely. My issues is she weighs roughly around 2.10 to 3lbs, except I can feel all her bones. She is a Cochin bantam, which I believe are...
  10. Emrosenagel

    Guys or gals?

    I don’t think she is, because she looks nothing like my blues. It’s been about a month and a bit more since those pics, but she hasn’t changed much at all. Black comb still, red face. Very strange, I just don’t know what she it.
  11. Emrosenagel

    Crop stuffed with grit

    Hello! My hen (Cochin bantam, 11 months) has had crop issues since at least the end of march. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with her; sometimes her crop is almost empty, sometimes it’s full. Sometimes it's all liquid, sometimes it’s doughy. But it’s never empty. It’s very odd since, out of...
  12. Emrosenagel

    Are my chicks too young to deworm?

    Hello! About a month and a half ago I had to deworm my older birds (they had a mild case of roundworm). My four chicks were way too young at the time, but now I’m worried they might have roundworm now after being outside. They are 7 1/2 weeks old Jersey giants. The only thing I noticed wrong...
  13. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Yup, still struggling. She did empty two days ago, but now we’re back to it. Otherwise, she’s completely normal; lays, normal poop, hungry, thirsty. I’ll probably need to take another trip to the vet to get to the bottom of it. Yours may have sour crop if she’s doing the jerking. I would smell...
  14. Emrosenagel

    Pinkish/pale comb over past couple weeks

    Hello! I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant...
  15. Emrosenagel

    Specialty feed for a chicken that has digestive problems

    They always, always spill the bowl when I put it separate. I can get the girls layer feed though, since the hens are separate from the pullets and chicks. I just haven’t gotten to the store yet and had the flock raider on hand.
  16. Emrosenagel

    Specialty feed for a chicken that has digestive problems

    Yeah I have oyster shells mixed in, and i can give her some probiotics I suppose. Can’t hurt! really? I thought it should have no smell at all. It hadn’t before a few days ago, at least not as strong. I’ll have to smell the other hens breath to compare (what an odd sentence lol)
  17. Emrosenagel

    Specialty feed for a chicken that has digestive problems

    Yup, same hen. She even went broody last week, had to break her out of it. Laid her first egg since then today. She still jerks her crop, and now her breath is a little stinky (smells just like the feed) but acts normal.
  18. Emrosenagel

    Specialty feed for a chicken that has digestive problems

    Hello! I’m really going through with one of my hens. It’s been a month now and her crop never wants to empty all the way. It isn’t hard, isn’t exactly squishy. Feels normal-ish most of the time. She poops all the time, all normal; eats and drinks if she can; acts completely normal. Ive tried...
  19. Emrosenagel

    Top beak trimmed too much?

    Yeah, it doesn’t fully close in the middle. Is this the beginning of a crossed beam? And when you say file her bottom beak, do you mean the tip?
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