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  1. MountainWoman73

    Do you play music for your chickens?

    I use chicken radio in the coop as a bear deterrent. I don't know if they like it, but they don't mind.
  2. MountainWoman73

    Pullet or cockrell?

  3. MountainWoman73

    Candling Maran Eggs

    I have Marans eggs in an incubator, and I can't see through them very well either. It's good to know the sniff test worked!
  4. MountainWoman73


    Then I say cockerel as well. My EE that's 13 weeks has no visible comb at all yet.
  5. MountainWoman73


    I think so. Is the black EE also 11 weeks?
  6. MountainWoman73

    Is my 9 week old chicken actually a rooster?

    Yeah. At 9 weeks, that's a cockerel.
  7. MountainWoman73

    Show me your bielefelder crosses.

    Oof. Gorgeous Roo! :love
  8. MountainWoman73

    BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along

    I set 16 chicken eggs on June 8th. Black Copper Marans and olive eggers that were shipped, and barnyard mixes from green eggs from a local friend. Candled them on day 6, and only 2 looked clear, but some of them are too dark to see through at all. So I estimate I have 10 that are starting to...
  9. MountainWoman73

    Newly hatched chick

    That looks pretty bad. I had to kill one that hatched like that recently. No fun at all, but the right thing to do.
  10. MountainWoman73

    Hens raising their chicks together?

    I had two co-parenting, but after 2-3 days the more experienced broody took over raising the chicks on her own and the other one quit. But "helping" for a couple days was enough to break the second hen of her broodiness, so everyone was happy.
  11. MountainWoman73

    A couple of my duck eggs have hatched

    Not totally sure about ducklings, but chicks can go up to 3 days after hatch without food or water. So I think they're easily fine for 24 hours. The reason to keep them in there is to avoid opening the incubator more than necessary, and to keep them nice and warm while they dry out. Up to you...
  12. MountainWoman73

    SGE with weird tail feather?

    Normal. She's either missing a tail feather, or they're growing in at different rates or something.
  13. MountainWoman73

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    My favorite mug with my favorite coffee buddy.
  14. MountainWoman73

    A couple of my duck eggs have hatched

    From what I understand, the danger to pipped but not yet hatched eggs is a drop in humidity. Most people say it's fine to open the incubator for just a second to remove chicks/ducklings that are fully fluffed up. Do this as little as possible. (Once a day). Some people use steam to increase...
  15. MountainWoman73

    Hen won't stop being broody...what should I do?

    Agree, but disagree about letting her out at night. I put my broody cage inside my chicken coop, but in a separate area without bedding or nesting material. And I leave them in there all the time for 3-4 days.
  16. MountainWoman73

    Five week old chicks not going into coop at night

    Yep. It can be a hassle for sure. Just keep stuffing them in there. They'll figure it out eventually.
  17. MountainWoman73

    Oh my, what on earth have I gotten us all into???

    Enjoy, and send us pictures when you can get some! We love chicks.
  18. MountainWoman73

    Chicken confusion land... send help 😆

    If Jed is correct, and it's silver penciled rock mixed in with their barred rocks, then no, that wouldn't affect egg color.
  19. MountainWoman73

    Grown rooster ID

    Silver laced wyandotte with nonstandard single comb. :) He could still be a mix, because it looks like yours has some barring? But otherwise he looks identical to my favorite rooster ever, Curly. (Oh what a beautiful morning Curly, from the musical Oklahoma) Curly was a silver laced...
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