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  1. DonyaQuick

    Things you wish you could say

    Don't know if this will help since I don't know the details, but a bopped eye that's had some kind of serious pysical trauma can look all kinds of strange and can definitely be within the ranges of the ocular mareks appearance. Just had that happen to a cockerel that somehow fell and bashed one...
  2. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    So it's looking suspiciously like I have 2 boys in this batch of chicks (the Bs)... I suppose it's possible that the developmental feathering difference could yet be totally meaningless, but the tail vs no tail and long vs short wings are REALLY pronounced in these guys and just getting more...
  3. DonyaQuick

    Squat test

    Mostly it’s a good indicator but not 100% of the time. I’ve had a few pullets that didn’t squat until very much later for an actual rooster, one cockerel that did squat in response to my hand for a couple weeks, and another submissive cockerel that squatted a couple times for a more dominant...
  4. DonyaQuick

    Help please: How can little teeny 4d old chicks have tiny wormies crawling out of their butts?

    You will definitely want to scrape everything out and hose down to treat all the surfaces and crevices directly. Permethrin spray usually STINKS so do it with the chickens out and away and air out the coop before they go back. I've also found it most effective to then treat the new substrate too...
  5. DonyaQuick

    Help please: How can little teeny 4d old chicks have tiny wormies crawling out of their butts?

    Definitely lice - good news is those are actually a lot easier to get rid of in 2 treatments than mites are! If you can't get permethrin you can try the DE (I've never used that except to treat dust bathing areas) but permethrin poultry dust really knocks out lice very easily from my experience.
  6. DonyaQuick

    Help please: How can little teeny 4d old chicks have tiny wormies crawling out of their butts?

    Permethrin powder is better and faster acting to kill things if you can get it fast. I just had to deal with a broody mom that got mite-bombed right as I gave her babies because the bag of shavings I used for her nest material turned out to be infested; treatment for lice and mites appearing on...
  7. DonyaQuick

    Giant cochin chicks - slow/fast feathering?

    I was worried that was going to be the case. I hope the 2 stubby no tail babies are the boys then? They were all supposed to be pullets. I guess 2v3 either way it’s much different from hatching odds darnit LOL EDIT: meant to say it's NOT much different from hatching odds - oops
  8. DonyaQuick

    Giant cochin chicks - slow/fast feathering?

    These partridge giant cochin chicks are 2 weeks old today with two phenotypes I've labeled in the photo. The "A" chicks have big wings and a good tail coming in. The "B" chicks have very stubby wings and no sign at all of tail feathers coming in, not even pin feathers - still just fuzz on those...
  9. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    I can lead a Goob to dirt but I can't make him bathe! All I can make him do is scratch around excitedly and giggle at me lol. I was trying to convince him to do something about the the sweaty fake fur feel he's developing from his extended indoor stay (since I really didn't want anything getting...
  10. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    OMG I can't unsee that now 🤣 goes with her dancing habits! Dimple's still a speed demon even with her little boot! I'm hoping that bodes well for a quick recovery. It perhaps should have been a clue to me about Monster's still increasing size that he's the only roo I can actually use as a...
  11. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Poor little Dimple hurt her foot somehow! She's been doing the wing dance for other hens again lately so I'll be she got the injury doing that since her dances are pretty crazy, and it's her dance-kicking foot that got injured. This week is the first time I've seen her doing the rooster dance...
  12. DonyaQuick

    Hi from New York

    Welcome, fellow NYer!
  13. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    These little floofs are amazing. They are so much less athletic than every other batch of chicks I've had though LOL right now I could probably keep them contained in just a 4" high square on the floor. They are being very temperature hardy though for only being a week old. Mites are getting...
  14. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Grain mites are so gross...they are a seasonal pestilence in my area because of how wet the summers are - they just come in from the outside to whatever feed is there. Nothing I've tried to far works on them either except rubbing permethrin powder into areas of wood where they tend to...
  15. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Still can't figure out what these mites are or exactly how they had a population boom so fast. It's driving me nuts. And they get on EVERYTHING so fast - I got covered in mites from treating Scruffy earlier today, thew my clothes in a plastic hamper to wash them, and within only a couple minutes...
  16. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Well the cursed year holds true to a degree...went out for a couple hours today having checked scruffy and her chicks, and came home to find her enclosure looking like a mite bomb went off. She and her chicks were out of the nest and didn't want to touch anything wooden - for a good reason, if I...
  17. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Since the lip on the nest box was apparently too high for the chicks to traverse easily, that wadded up towel ramp I used this morning has been upgraded to stairs. These seem to work well.
  18. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Very glad for Scruffy and the bean duo being easy right now. Those lot are going to be my stress relief. Main flock is peaceful but Dimple and Junior have somehow figured out I have chicks in the house and are being nutty. Both of them LOVE chicks, Junior especially.Seeing/hearing chicks makes...
  19. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Well that was easy...just darkened the room in the late evening, take an egg, place a chick, and repeat. They stayed under her all night. And then this morning: Having actual broody hatches to compare to, I can tell that her unbroody-ing state is just a bit out of sync with the chicks'...
  20. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Healthy chicks are here! They gave me one extra. All are eating and drinking well. Currently trying to stop Scruffy from hearing the peeping until after dark to do the egg-chick swap.
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