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  1. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Had our first break out this morning. We're still working on the run, so our outside pen is just some chicken wire and step in fence posts (they are always supervised outside). I looked up and "hey! girls, why are you two on the wrong side of the fence?" Paprika and Bibu found a spot where the...
  2. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Lately Limu is reminding me of a roadrunner (her hackles are up because a scary little butterfly flew past)
  3. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Apparently I am friend shaped. Lady Amalthea flew up to perch on my shoulder, and sat on my hand for several minutes after I took her off. She's still one of our flightiest chicks. But apparently she's down to cuddle on her terms. We have all the support posts for run in place. Once they set we...
  4. AinaWGSD

    Is my 9 week old chicken actually a rooster?

    The title of the post is "Is my 9 week old chicken actually a rooster" so the bird in question is 9 weeks old, regardless of what terms op uses in the post itself. Yes, chickens under one year of age are not technically considered hens or roosters, but that is not common knowledge for the...
  5. AinaWGSD

    Is my 9 week old chicken actually a rooster?

    That is a suspiciously large and red comb for 9 weeks, especially compared to [what I'm assuming] the same age bird in the background. And in the last two pictures it looks like there may be some pointy saddle feathers, although it could also just be the angle. I wouldn't feel 100% confident...
  6. AinaWGSD

    First eggs from new Sapphire OEs

    It's uncommon, but sometimes a hen will release two yolks either back to back or simultaneously and that can result in two separate eggs instead of a double yolker. Or the first egg can get caught up somewhere in the reproductive tract until the second one comes along and both get laid at the...
  7. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Finally got a picture of Artemis where she doesn't look like she's mad at the world!And a Bibu photo bomb!
  8. AinaWGSD

    Help! is this really an orpington?

    Definitely not an orpington. Could be a polish or a polish mix.
  9. AinaWGSD

    Three chick rooster or not?

    At 5 weeks I would expect a comb that big to be a lot redder if your ancona was a male. Right now my vote is 3 pullets.
  10. AinaWGSD

    6-7 week old blue laced Wyandottes sexing

    Wyandotte's can be tricky to sex because girls tend to pink up early. But right now they both look like pullets to me. I don't really see any differences in feathering other than color.
  11. AinaWGSD

    EE or Ameraucana Roo? I need YOU!

    It really depends on your goals. If you just want to hatch chicks for fun and flock replenishment either would work equally well. At this age I'd keep both of them until you see what kind of personality they have and then choose the one with the better temperament. If you kept the ameraucana...
  12. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Pretty sure they're still sleeping in a pile on the coop floor, but look how good my babies are getting at perching!
  13. AinaWGSD

    Help me figure out the breed?

    olive Eggers are a catch all name for a mixed breed that has a strong potential to have both a blue egg gene and a dark egg gene. They can be made from a number of mixes so there's no real way of knowing unless the breeder/hatchery states what the mix is when advertising them. Marans are one of...
  14. AinaWGSD

    Silkie color

    I would think mottled chocolate over cuckoo chocolate would give chocolate pullets split for mottled and chocolate cuckoo cockerels split for mottled.
  15. AinaWGSD

    Could my 9 week old be a blue copper maran?

    But marans are single combed and this bird has a modified pea comb. My money's on olive egger cockerel.
  16. AinaWGSD

    Cockerel or Pullett

    Yeah, sorry they're all boys
  17. AinaWGSD

    Cockerel or Pullett

    Assuming your silkie isn't cuckoo, that would make the chicks sexlinked. Any barred chicks from a barred hen and a non barred rooster are always going to be male.
  18. AinaWGSD

    Cockerel or Pullett

    Was the hen the legbar or the silkie? I'm terrible with walnut combs but those look suspiciously large for pullets.
  19. AinaWGSD

    The Sullivan Six

    Husband finally got around to digging the postholes for the run today. It's going to be 20x20 completely covered. We won't be able to lay a hardware cloth skirt on the west side because it goes farther into the garden than anticipated and there are already pepper plants there. But we can always...
  20. AinaWGSD

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Both pullets. By now a cockerel's comb would be  bright red, can't miss it. Blue just has a bigger comb.
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