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  1. Danishennies


    Update my ducks eyes are scabbed over they seem to be leaking clear liquid. She can not see right now. Yesterday i moved my hands in frint of her face she flinched today I think the scabs are blocking her site. She will drink when she is in the tub. She still wont eat. Does anyone have any ideas...
  2. Danishennies


    I need ER help! One of my swedish drakes attacked my indian black runner. Her eyes are really swelled they look like they are swelled and scabbed over. She is also doing a bobbed head thing now like she is twitching. She is eating from my hand she was in the bath tub playing diving waddling...
  3. Danishennies


    I need someone thats knows ducks. My one duck makes a sneeze with a high pitched squeal. Im not even sure. If he is sneezing I have not seen him do it just heard him. Can someone tell me why what ans how? Please
  4. Danishennies


    I have a question if anybody knows the answer. Ok I have 14 chickens all together one Roo who is a good hubby to his flock. He finds food, he spotted an eagle the other day and pushed his flock into the coop and made racket until my husband went out to see what was going on he put the dog and...
  5. Danishennies


    My girls were rescue chickens and the dumb bleep had 12 girls in with 4 roosters and a 4x4 space! So when we got them their poor butts and backs were really bare. They kept getting sunburned and then the pecking order took some of their other wings and butt feathers. So I got the aprons to keep...
  6. Danishennies


    I love my Roo. He doesnt mack much racket unless you talk to him. Which I could post a video. I was saying Lewis mom loves you and he would Roo then I would say Does Lewis love mom and he would roo. We do this all the time. He us a gentle roo he tried bowing up on my husband when we were trying...
  7. Danishennies


    I have to Post this because well its the cutest dang thing my Emmer girl is supporting the USA with her lil Apron
  8. Danishennies


    One of my lil girls is not eating her treats and she has runny stool. It seems as if she just goes without warning. She still is running and eat her normal food. She still talks to me she just is not feeling well. Going to seperate her tomorrow and give her medicine in her water bowl. Poor girl.
  9. Danishennies


    Finally have my girls aprons!!! I will not put any on until it gets a bit cooler. I got the ones with fleece so they will be warm this winter. Im excited just need to order 6 more. Yay
  10. Danishennies


    He is not sraying in her coop at all. She never goes in the coop except to sleep and lay her egg. When she is done she leaves and goes on about her day never going back in. I jist thought it was strange she has been pulling front feathers out of her. So I am mot sure. I do mot want chix right...
  11. Danishennies


    ...I am kind of curious I have a NN that has 2 black feathers and I have been reading other posts about colors and what they arr called i.e. birchen* (spelling) I am just wondering what that means for my girl she is all white but 2 black feathers thats it. I also want to breen her with my EE Roo...
  12. Danishennies


  13. Danishennies


    Ok I have a question? Keeping in mind I am still learning what I can about chickens. I have a girl that is pulling all her feathers out if her chest. What dies that mean? Is she brooding? If so she wont let my RooRoo near her
  14. Danishennies


    Blu kote is working for me I just wish it would last a bit longer my girls have to take dirt baths so of course it rubs off. My Rooster is not really rough he just thinks he is king and everyone must bow to him ha! He argues with me about this. My girls wouldn't be so rough looking if it wasn't...
  15. Danishennies


    I am not very patiently waiting for my 8 aprons. I however today rubbed atraight aloe on them and took childrens sunblock and sprayed them I know sounds so strange but I could not stand by whe more poor babies were sunburned!! The look I got after I did all the was priceless but hey If it helps...
  16. Danishennies


    ...yesterday need my hubby to help me catch her today so I can spray her. Poor girl! The guy I got them from could have taken better care if them jack*** he said he was getting 4 eggs a day. I am getting 12. So maybe if you would take care of them then you would receive more. Ok I am done...
  17. Danishennies


    Im sorry for what you are going through! I have tried blu kote I have not found it working very well! My poor babies butts are sunburned and bare and So I have to get little aprons!! So please let me know rooster booster works please?
  18. Danishennies


    Im still looking for 2 EE's. also I would like a naked neck. Anybody know where I can get some.
  19. Danishennies


    Yeah I was in tears laughing. My girls are something else
  20. Danishennies


    So my girls are tired of my roo. They are shunning his mating attempts. I told him that he is on his own. He yelled I yelled but eventually he listened gave up today and my girls laid 10 eggs at a record these last few weeks. So maybe he will get the point and stopped trying to get his Roo on...
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