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  1. happybooker1


    I had some EE's born March 20 in one coop (after getting rid of 6 roo's I have 7 left) and 7 separate pullets about 10 days younger in another coop. There are 2 pullets in the first group that love to pick on the ones from the second coop when they're all out in the yard together. They will...
  2. happybooker1

  3. happybooker1

    Need feed brand recommendations

    I would suggest looking at "Chewys" website and see how their prices compare to what you're paying. I order Kalmbach's from Chewy and love getting it delivered to my gate in 2-3 days!
  4. happybooker1

    What is the oldest chicken (hen or rooster--please specify) you've ever had?

    Please also specify the breed (if known). Pictures optional.
  5. happybooker1

    Need Advice from the experienced hatchers!

    My grandmother had a flock of white leghorns for multiple decades. She let her hens raise the chicks and did so successfully. I've been "in" chickens 20 years (off n on) n my son's been 'in' chickens about 5. Never have our hens(4 to date) raised babies successfully. They all disappear before 1...
  6. happybooker1

    Help on Identifying Roosters

    Thanks all. That's what I figured. What happened to 50% boys, 50% girls??
  7. happybooker1

    Help on Identifying Roosters

    These chicks are nearly 3 months old. I count 7 roosters in this picture. Am I right?
  8. happybooker1

    How long does it take a Hen to get used to a coop?

    My coop is one of those pre-fab ones that the run is all underneath n wire n the coop is above. Not counting her, there are 4 almost-3-month old pullets/roosters in that one. She was originally left out by mistake when nighttime came n we closed the coop up n didn’t do a headcount first. As far...
  9. happybooker1

    How long does it take a Hen to get used to a coop?

    I have a pullet that escaped over a month ago and took up roosting in a large bush at the side of my yard. I thought I'd gotten her reintegrated with her former flockmates after she'd been loose about 2 weeks but I've noticed she's back in the bush. About how long should a chicken be shut up in...
  10. happybooker1

    All chicks died within 30 minutes

    Sounds like someone cooked something in a Teflon skillet too near them and the offgases got to them. JMHO.
  11. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    No bottoms to coops. They’re the pre-fab kind. Perhaps ONCE WE’VE DRIED OUT I could set them on pallets, but that won’t be for a week or more.
  12. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    No because the coops are SMALL. The bottom is like 3'x3'.
  13. happybooker1

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    .....survive wading through a flooded coop? I live in Huntsville Texas which has gotten RECORD amounts of rain (like we're up to almost 30" for the month of May) and flooding and where the coops are is a depression spot so completely covered with 1"-2" of water. They can get into the upper loft...
  14. happybooker1

    Caught Escaped Chick ......

    Had chicks hatched March 20 in a coop. Guess I didn't count right when I left them out roaming the back yard around April 25and they were 5 weeks oldish. One didn't get into the coop and took up residence in a big bush/shrub in the corner of our lot. She survived by herself 2 weeks out there...
  15. happybooker1

    Not my chicken but very talented!!
  16. happybooker1

    mold in bottom of feed bag, should I throw out the whole bag?

    I would toss it. THe whole bag. And get a garbage can or something else to store it in for the future.
  17. happybooker1

    I need chick names!!!!!😁😁

    Speckles for any that are speckled black/white. Salt for a white one. Cinnamon or Nutmeg for a brown one (see a theme here?!) Petunia to go with Poppy.
  18. happybooker1

    Letting chicks out of coop

    Well I tried it this afternoon and it worked out wonderfully. I let them out about 3:30 and they stayed in the general area of the coop until they all went back inside about 7:30. I counted and they all made it in. They sure enjoyed scratching in the new places and eating the newly mowed grass.
  19. happybooker1

    how much should i sell polish/easter egger chicks for?

    I bought 18 EE mutts as 1-week old SR chicks for $45 off CL n thought I got a very good deal.
  20. happybooker1

    Letting chicks out of coop

    Hi all! I have a group of a dozen EE's that are 5 weeks old. They've been out of the brooder in the coop area for 2 weeks now and not under any heat. (We're in Texas). Wondering when I can start letting them free range in our 1.2 acre yard? They seem so young, although they're fully feathered. I...
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