Search results for query: Ameraucana

  1. C

    Baby chicks grabbed at TS

    Does anyone know what these are, they were grabbed from the same bin but they all look so different- first time chicken owner
  2. T

    Americana chick

    Hi everyone, I recently just got a few ameracauna chicks from a poultry show silent auction. I could tell they were an ameracauna of some sort but 1 of them has long barred wings and I wanted to know what you guys would think. Lmk.
  3. L

    Pullet or cockerel also what breed. They came from mixed flock of golden comet, cinnamon queen, black sex link, amerucana, Orpington, cream legbar.

    This one was suspected to be a Golden comet or cinnamon queen when given to me. I think pullet? Not sure? This one was also said to be a golden comet or cinnamon queen as a chick but has black/blue accent feathers and blue feet I suspect pullet? Not sure on breed? This chicken here is said...
  4. bharris0426

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    Alright so hi I'm new and I know this is a constantly asked question. I am 98% sure the California is a Roo but the Barred has me stumped. I have 3 Barred. One is FOR sure a Roo and one is for sure a Hen. But this one has some characteristics of both. So what do you guys think? The first couple...
  5. Butt_Nugget_Hut092

    Help _ Hen or Roo? _ Four 4 Week Old Chicks _ (POST SPLIT UP FOR EASE OF SEXING)

    ...X Olive Egger Hen: Will be 4 weeks on Saturday 6/15/2024 _ Hatched Myself _ (I am thinking/hoping hen, not positive) Rhode Island Red Roo X Ameraucana Hen: Will be 4 weeks on Saturday 6/15/2024 _ Hatched Myself _ (I have no idea on this one, Ameraucana's and Easter Eggers are hard to sex IMO)
  6. MrsWinterWheat

    My purchased on a Whim chicks - curious which breed

    Hi! In May my daughter and I were in Peavey Mart getting a new incubator. Well it was a week after their “chick days”. April-July every Wednesday chicks purchased online are delivered to the store plus extra for walk in purchases. Some how these cute little chicks made it into our car…lol. They...
  7. Butt_Nugget_Hut092

    Help! Hen Or Roo? Multiple Ages and Breeds!

    ...X Olive Egger Hen (I am thinking/hoping hen, not positive) CHICK #16: Will be 4 weeks on Saturday 6/15/2024 _ Hatched Myself _ Rhode Island Red Roo X Ameraucana Hen (I have no idea on this one) I'm aware that gender may not be certain in younger chicks. And the silkie is hard to sex as...
  8. C

    Hooked Beak/Gender - Ameraucana?

    Can anyone shed light on Ameraucana? I was told it was a pullet, nervous it’s a Roo. And why does it have a hooked beak? Only one that will pinch me when feeding from my hand.
  9. M

    Help me figure out the breed?

    I bought those 2 from a feed store who gets their chicks from privett. I got one from the Barred Rock pullet and the other one from the OLIVE EGGER pullet drawer. I feel they were neither.
  10. Mikski

    Lavender Ameraucana vs Olive Egger

    Hello! I recently got a couple birds from a backyard breeder. One is supposed to be a Lavender Ameraucana, and one is supposed to be and Olive Egger, but they look nearly identical at this stage. Is it possible to have a Lavender Olive Egger? She put a leg band on the Olive Egger so seems...
  11. W

    Mixed Breed Bantam Sexing (4 weeks old)

    I let my bantams hatch some eggs recently and have been anxiously waiting to determine the sex of the chicks. All of these pictures (except #7) were at 4 weeks old. Number 7 was at about 3 weeks old, but that one is the most identifiable and easiest to get confirmed pictures of. Most of the...
  12. B

    Blue Ameraucana WHAT?

    I recently picked up two baby ameraucanas, they are roughly 4 weeks old. One splash and one blue. They were unsexed, I was hoping both would be pullets as I already own a 7 week EE rooster (also by chance). I was playing Russian roulette with the chicken Gods and hoping for the best! Sunday...
  13. S

    Want to know the breed, supposed to be Americana from rural king

    Bonus if you have a guess of gender Prob can’t tell with the silkies but I’d love to know their gender too
  14. C

    These two are confusing.

    8 week old Ameribella and 8 week old Ameraucana. I'm hoping they are hens. I can't have roosters...
  15. A

    Ancona or Americana or aurcana?

    I was bit overwhelmed when we pick up our chicks from the feed store and couldn’t remember the breed they sound kind of alike too. This girl is 4 weeks old.thanks
  16. T

    unexpected white chick - Lav Roo, White EE Hen

    I just hatched my June batch and had a surprise! Roo is a Lavender Ameraucana. I have 4 black hens (brown eggs) and a white hen (blue eggs). The brown eggs hatched as black lavender splits just as expected. Only one blue egg has hatched so far, but the chick is blonde/buff/cream color + a...
  17. MrsWinterWheat

    3 year old Rooster - curious of breed

    Hi! We received this rooster as a chick 3 years ago, it was in a mixed group from a family member. At that time I didn’t really care what breed they were but this group has me wondering. Also when he was younger he had more darker feathers (last photo), now he just have a few on his body and one...
  18. Th3moth3rcluck3r


    Honestly, I got them from tractor supply, so the odds are they are mutts. I'm A ok with it lol.. I got straight run, and I believe these are about 4/5weeks old now. Trying to figure out if I have pullets or roos. The only way I can get decent photos of these guys is to hold them. I tried to...
  19. C

    Pullet or Cockerel (I guess this is an EE mix, lots of Ameraucana in it)

    Hi! I got two chicks from a local farmer (met the chicken and rooster parents). One of them is an olive egger, described as Wellsummer/Ameraucana and the other they called an Ameraucana--I don't really care, just hoping for fun egg colors. I also paid $4 each, so . . . not exactly high end...
  20. C

    Mystery Americana Gender

    We got this “pullet” from someone and I’m having suspicion on whether or not it’s actually a female. It doesn’t crow yet. Im not sure on age, but believe it’s around 4 or 5 months. What do you think with the brass and the tail feathers? I think she said it was an Olive Egger, and looks Americana...
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