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  1. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Good to know, thank you for sharing!
  2. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Yes, possible toxic cross pollination is definitely something to keep in mind. However, it is worth noting that I've heard if you try tasting a mystery cross-pollination variety of squash, it will be very obvious if it is toxic. A tiny piece will taste very bitter if it is toxic (namely...
  3. sheknitsandcrochets

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Wow, your garden looks great!! 😄
  4. sheknitsandcrochets

    Melons question?

    That definitely makes sense. I start melons indoors for the head start on growing (because we have pretty long winters where I live as well), and because I would definitely be concerned about germination rates if I started them directly outside. Hardening off the plants before transplanting is...
  5. sheknitsandcrochets

    Melons question?

    I see. Yes, using wood chips would make sense to help retain soil moisture. Another thing you could try is incorporating some peat moss into your soil. It sounds to me like you're growing your melon plants directly in the ground and not using raised beds, but you could try this in either case...
  6. sheknitsandcrochets

    Melons question?

    Hello! I'm a little late to the thread, but I have some *very limited* experience growing melons, so I will still try to answer some of your questions based on growing my own melons. So, watering is definitely a very important factor in growing melons, especially watermelons. This is both for...
  7. sheknitsandcrochets

    Companion Planting

    Your plants look great!!
  8. sheknitsandcrochets

    Companion Planting

    Hello everyone! I haven't been on BYC for awhile (I'm just coming back now), and I didn't even realize people were still commenting on this thread! I hope you have all been doing well with your gardening endeavors!
  9. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    It is worth noting that things like toxic cross pollination seem pretty unlikely, but they're still a distinct possibility and it's good to be aware of that so we can take precautions to stay safe. 👍
  10. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    I'm glad to be of any help!
  11. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Yes, toxic cross-pollination is a shocking concept! 😮 Here is an article I found with some good information on "toxic squash syndrome", or dangerous cross-pollinated squash: I don't think I've heard of anything...
  12. sheknitsandcrochets

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    This is an interesting idea. I am in no way a gardening expert, but I will still share of my thoughts on this. One thing to consider here is cross pollination. By my understanding, if you plant pure seed, you will grow plants true to variety. However, if the flowers of this true plant get cross...
  13. sheknitsandcrochets

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Yes, starting with plants that are already established can make a big difference in gardening. 🌱 I'm in zone 6a, so I have to start my tomatoes from already established plants, since the warm growing season isn't long enough to start them from seed outside. I can either sow my own seeds in pots...
  14. sheknitsandcrochets

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thank you! 😀 My tomatoes were purchased as young plants in cell trays. They were then transplanted from the trays into the garden. 🌱 I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulties with growing your tomatoes. 🙁
  15. sheknitsandcrochets

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello everyone! It certainly has been a minute! 😆 I've been busy with planting in the garden this week. Several varieties of tomato and pepper plants! I don't keep chickens myself, but I have a friend who does. When I'm on BYC, I usually hang around the gardening forum. With the warm growing...
  16. sheknitsandcrochets

    Is this Septoria Leaf Spot on our Tomato Plants? Prevention and Curing Tips?

    Here are some photos I just took in the garden of the different stages of the leaf spot we're dealing with:
  17. sheknitsandcrochets

    Is this Septoria Leaf Spot on our Tomato Plants? Prevention and Curing Tips?

    Still trying to figure out what to do about the leaf spot... We are dealing with a widespread problem at this point with most if not every one of our over 100 tomato plants struggling with it. It seems to have gotten significantly worse after a rain last week. Any advice other than...
  18. sheknitsandcrochets

    Is this an Aphid, Spider Mite, or other Garden Pest on this Tomato Plant Leaf?

    OK, Thank you for sharing your opinion on this! I really appreciate it.
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