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  1. goats-n-oats

    DIY Rat extermination around the coop

    I actually just rehomed a rat terrier who was more interested in killing chickens than rats. My Carolina Dog (a wild American dingo) kills 1-2 rats a night and leaves them by the door of the coop for me. I highly recommend a dog in the coop to protect the chickens from rats at night (and minks...
  2. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    I give them raw venison in season (fresh roadkill). One dog hesitated at first but I guess he was hungry. They also like to hunt baby cottontails in their run.
  3. goats-n-oats

    BBB with splayed legs

    It's a 22% non GMO mash that is locally milled. It has 2x the nutrition packets as his 16% layer feed. Contains corn, soybean, wheat and oats.
  4. goats-n-oats

    BBB with splayed legs

    Hi, this is a 4-week old Broad Breasted bronze from Hoover's. I recall selecting all of the poults from the bin and none had this deformity. How did this happen? Should be culled now? He is still eating and drinking independently but the other poults are standing on him and nipping at his feathers.
  5. goats-n-oats

    Dying BBW poult

    Good point. They were sneezing last week after being outside. I'll try tetracycline.
  6. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    The dogs can only eat so many raw eggs before one gets diarrhea. And I always cook chicken for them because I don't want them to develop a taste for raw chickens...
  7. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    I will as much as possible, but I don't have running water yet. Just rainwater collection and a pond.
  8. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    Frankly I wasn't sure what specific tasks were talking up all the time, until experimenting with a longer hose to refill the duck kiddie pool.
  9. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    Hi, thanks everyone for your input. I am trying new changes each day to improve efficiency. So far the most impactful have been buying a hose that reaches from the pond to the barn, and the orchary, so water can be pumped up to the barn. I think this saved me two hours total yesterday instead of...
  10. goats-n-oats

    Growth suddenly appeared on dog's dewclaw

    Thanks you were right, the nail sheath was stripped off the declaw. It has healed on its own so far.
  11. goats-n-oats

    Dying BBW poult

    Hi, this is a 3-week old Broad Breasted White from Hoover's. She's been in a zombie pose for several days. About half the size of her peers. She's had B vitamins, and corid, no change. Any way to save her?
  12. goats-n-oats

    Drinking hardware for 55 gallon water tank?

    Zone 5b/6. It gets down to around 15'F in the winter. Can you share a pic or link to the horizontal nipples? Thanks
  13. goats-n-oats

    Drinking hardware for 55 gallon water tank?

    Hi, can anyone recommend the right type of nipple or drinking dish for this water tank for my chicken coop, and where it should be installed (side wall, bottom surface), and how to install it?
  14. goats-n-oats

    How to heat multiple stacked brooder boxes?

    Is there a way to do this without the cost of powering several 1500W heat lamps, one in each box?
  15. goats-n-oats

    Options for predator proofing my property, 5 acres, Ohio

    Thanks @McChooky. What about fencing in a portion of the pond, like one strip of it? How feasible is it to plant tposts and fencing underwater, maybe 4 feet deep?
  16. goats-n-oats

    Questions about Embden Geese

    Hi BYC, poultry person here, so far chickens ducks and quail. Am experimenting with the meat market. Was impressed at how fast the Pekin ducks grew; less impressed with the food-profit ratio of Cornish crosses. Am thinking of geese as predator deterrents for the ducks on my 1/3 acre pond. Now...
  17. goats-n-oats

    Options for predator proofing my property, 5 acres, Ohio

    @McChooky would it be effective to drop rat poison pellets (bronethelaine) in their burrows? I know about where they are and one of my dogs is good at finding them. The dogs would stay leashed for the next few months. This would be easier for me than traps
  18. goats-n-oats

    Attaching hardware cloth skirts

    Can you pls share some photos of what the skirt should look like once assembled?
  19. goats-n-oats

    Duckling not growing

    Good to know. I wasn't aware of this product.
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