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  1. KikiDeAnime

    Rooster lost a lot of weight / Lethargic

    Our silkied Serama rooster named Scout is lethargic. When I picked him up, I felt how thin he was. He is normally hiding from me whenever I go outside so I didn't keep an eye on him daily. I gave him some Nutri-Drench a few minutes ago. He's not thin to the point of culling right away but I'd...
  2. KikiDeAnime

    Nothing is working for their yard anymore (Muddy yard)

    The uncovered section of their yard is constantly mud despite my efforts to do something about it. It's begun to soak into their covered section. Unfortunately we haven't gotten what we need to finish covering the rest of their yard completely. I just need something to work until we finish...
  3. KikiDeAnime

    EE Hatched January 20th

    Got this bird as a day old chick in January from a breeder. Unfortunately these are the only photos I can get of it as it just wants to perch on my head. . . .
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    Sebright eggs. It's day 23 and still no pips but all 5 chicks are still moving around in the eggs when I candled them earlier today. The humidity is where it should be as I have the AcuRite Indoor Digital Thermometer & Hygrometer in the incubator. How long should I wait before I toss them?
  5. KikiDeAnime

    Why is my almost 8 year old hen still trying to lay eggs?

    My almost 8 year old Black sex link hen still lays and I'm confused why because she should have stopped by now at her age. And yes I know she still lays because I watched her drop a hot one this morning while I was changing the bedding in the coop. I'm not mad, just confused. My flock are pets...
  6. KikiDeAnime

    How to feed a senior cat with missing teeth?

    I recently took our almost 14 year old male cat Moses to the vet to get a check up since he hasn't seen a vet since he got neutered at 1yr. The vet checked his mouth and discovered that he lost a few of his teeth. He currently doesn't have any issues eating but I don't want him to starve if he...
  7. KikiDeAnime

    Show me your cost saving duck feeders! (Built & Bought)

    I've been having cost issues recently when feeding the ducks and since I'm in the middle of hearing back from a possible job(Interview went extremely well), I need a temporary solution. Currently I only feed the ducks once a day. I can currently only BUY a feeder until after I get the job. I...
  8. KikiDeAnime

    Advice on hatching bantam eggs

    Later this year I'll be hatching out our bantams' eggs but I've never done bantam eggs before so I'd like advice. I'm more use to standard size eggs and duck eggs.
  9. KikiDeAnime

    What can I feed to help put weight on this chick?

    I got a chick that's around 5-6 weeks old and she's not gaining weight. I noticed a few weeks back that she was a bit skinny, more so than the other chicks. I let her eat separately but now I've noticed that she's not even gaining weight as much as she needs to. She's eating & drinking fine...
  10. KikiDeAnime

    Questions about breeding

    First I'd like to mention that any offspring that hatch out, I'll either be keeping for food, to even out male-to-female ratio, or dropping off at auction. Edit: I have no plans to keep the IR drakes after breeding so I don't plan to breed them to the IR ducks I have. Please don't tell me to...
  11. KikiDeAnime

    Female or male? Was I lied to?(Mixed Serama)

    When I picked up the Seramas a few months ago, I was told 3 roos 6 hens/pullets. I already knew which were the roos at the time but I'm sure I was lied to about this "hen" We've lost 2 of the roosters so we're down to just Scout. My dad told me he heard not only Scout but possibly this bird...
  12. KikiDeAnime

    Breed Identification?

    Got these pullets weeks ago and they now look better than when I picked them up. What breed are they? . . . . . . . .
  13. KikiDeAnime

    Day 20 - No signs of pipping at all

    I decided to candle the eggs one last time after not candling them for a while. I have 6 eggs and I still see a bit of movement in a few but no pipping at all yet. Temp has been staying at 99F since Day 18 and humidity is at 69%. . How long do I wait until I assist? I've assisted in hatching...
  14. KikiDeAnime

    Who stays and who goes? (Breeding drakes)

    Now that molting season is over for my ducks, I have to decide which breeding drake is staying and which one is going. I'll be adding more WH females soon but one drake has to go. I feel bad because they've always gotten along even during breeding season but I lost a few females over the months...
  15. KikiDeAnime

    8 week old Ducklings

    Just picked up five 8 week old ducklings from a lady who unfortunately had to rehome them. They're black Indian Runners. I was just wondering how much longer they need the heat? We'll be staying in the low 40s during the day and high 30s at night for the next few weeks. They will have a heating...
  16. KikiDeAnime

    Nesting for 2 months but no eggs yet

    My ducks have been nesting and making new nests in the coop for 2 months but I haven't seen any eggs yet. I provide a light and have been making sure they get their 18% feed everyday. Ducks range 1-3 years of age. I checked all the nests to see if they buried them but all I get is to the bottom...
  17. KikiDeAnime

    Is 18% all flock better for my mixed flock?

    I'll be switching my feed very soon due to every feed store constantly being out of my all purpose feed when I need it. The feed store I'll be buying from always has the 18% stocked at all times even when not needed so I'll be switching. I'll just need a yes or no answer, thank you! Will that...
  18. KikiDeAnime

    Best age to sex bantam Cochins?

    I have 2 chicks that are a few weeks old and I don't plan on posting photos until the correct age but I haven't had Cochins for a while so I kind of forgot when the best age to sex them is. What age is best?
  19. KikiDeAnime

    6 month old pullets available(Battle Ground WA)

    Battle Ground WA Battle Ground WA Battle Ground WA Battle Ground WA Battle Ground WA I have not been able to find a home for these two and I'm losing hope that I will. Price is lowered to $15 for both to sell quickly. Photos from when both were 4 months old. New Hampshire Red and White leghorn.
  20. KikiDeAnime

    Old enough to sex these 2 Muscovy ducks?

    I got these two little ones a few weeks ago from a lady and I got them understanding that either one or both could be males. I'm getting 2 females from the lady very soon and I don't allow inbreeding of any kind here so I need to know who is getting separated once the females arrive. The adult...
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