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  1. D

    Will these eggs be ok?

    I think it will be okay. If she wasn't off them for several hours and it wasn't all that cold then there's a decent chance they will hatch. Time will tell of course.
  2. D

    Baby bird with deformed leg

    The choice is ultimately yours to make. I think wild animals should be given every chance to remain wild, and if they can't due to physical ailments then letting nature do the selecting is never a wrong decision. Some things to think about, how do you intend to continue the care of this bird...
  3. D

    easter egger x easter egger color possibilities?

    Easter eggers are a nice term for mutts that lay blue/green tinted eggs. Some are created from scratch, so mixing a blue egg laying breed to a brown egg laying breed. The possible combos to create EEs is a pretty long list so who know what breeds are in this little one? That being said, EEs come...
  4. D

    Baby bird with deformed leg

    Nature can be cruel as it is survival of the fittest. This little guy cannot be fixed, a deformity like that could have possibly been fixed as a hatchling but it’s too late to correct it now. Little guy is not going to make it in the wild. You can try finding a wildlife rehabilitation center...
  5. D

    14 weeks old give or take, males or females

    The slimmer white one appear male based on the upward curled tail feather. The other I would guess female but I’m no expert. Listen to their quacks, males are higher pitched, raspy and not as loud. Females are the more usual loud duck quack one would expect.
  6. D

    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    Not a bad crack, I'd probably take a chip of egg shell to cover the hole and seal it with melted candle wax. Be sure to seal all the cracks.
  7. D

    Chick identification

    Can we get something for size comparison? Where did you get it from?
  8. D

    Mixing 11 week and 3-4 week old chicks, how to do it safely?

    New to chickens and so far everyone is doing well. Currently have 7 juveniles (5m 2f) @ ~11 weeks in the coop. 2 roosters are now crowing but so far everyone is getting along. I've got 4 chicks I hatched May 15 so they are about 4 weeks old, plus 3 I bought who look to be the same age, then I've...
  9. D

    Meat Birds

    People post chickens on Craigslist all the time, as for FB there is a way around it. For instance I sell fish, so on FB I'll post photos and say something like "I have too many fish! Send message if interested". I suggest you say something along the lines of "chicks/chickens in need of new home...
  10. D

    Broody duck eggs hatched, but incubated not yet

    I would just do them all at once or if they are taking a while to hatch, do the first few and then all the others. It shouldn't take too long, once the first one hatches the others should be out in no time.
  11. D

    keeping meat birds well past their recommended harvest time of10-12 weeks

    For meat birds I don't think gender really makes a difference as roosters shouldn't start causing problems till they are around 4 or 5 months old. If you decide to get mixed gender then just be sure to butcher the males first. Keeping meat birds healthy longer is all in how much/often they are...
  12. D

    Black golden laced wyandotte supposed to be a hen

    Certainly appears to be a male, big comb and waddles, tail feathers are starting to have the usual rooster tail curve to them. He should be crowing soon I would think.
  13. D

    Broody duck eggs hatched, but incubated not yet

    Sounds like it is just a difference in temp and/or humidity. Not a huge problem IMO, a day or two difference shouldn't cause any harm in the incubated eggs. As for introducing the chicks, once they are all dry tuck them in under her at night time. I doubt she will reject them if she's already...
  14. D

    Help identifying beak issue

    That’s the egg tooth, it usually falls off after a few days from hatch.
  15. D

    12 Week Easter Egger

    I vote girl, while the comb is getting pinkish that may just be due to it maturing as a hen. Not sure when the combs on young hens really start to color up and I'm sure it varies depending on breed, all I know is it happens as they get closer to laying age.
  16. D

    12 Week Easter Egger

    Can you get a better photo showing the comb? I can't say much based on feathering but there doesn't appear to be much going on in the comb department. Here's one of my 8 week old EE boys, already has a fat red comb. His brother and other unrelated hatch mates have similar comb size/color and...
  17. D

    Big Brown Bat Pup

    Someone I know raised a bat pup on kitten milk, feeding it every few hours and keeping a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel with it. Little bat survived to be able to eat pre-caught bugs and then flew off. Not sure if it was able to adapt to the wild but it was given a chance.
  18. D

    Is yellow a roo or hen?

    Combs and waddles will get red and grow some on young hens who are close to sexual maturity (near laying age) so maybe that's why there's a change? I have some 9 week olds and the 5 roosters have had combs like the one is question since week 7, though they are getting a bit bigger and darker in...
  19. D

    Rooster Question | Bonded?

    5 week olds are still babies, they will bond with other chicks but those bonds are often broken/rearranged as they mature. At this time they are establishing a pecking order and they will be more prone to picking on the others in a brooder setting. IMO they are ready for the coop at this size...
  20. D

    Duck egg candling pictures, is this one dead?

    Yeah that looks like a quitter. I’d remove it.
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