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  1. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    3 eggs pipped now, still no hatches though :fl 12 hours since the first pip, looks like there’s a bit more shell missing since the first tiny crack, hopefully that one comes out soon!
  2. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    We have our first pip, one of the celadon eggs in the carton! That's one with a very saddled air sac, good luck little one! :celebrate
  3. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    No pips over here yet! It's day 16 so it's still early. Humidity is hovering between 50% and 57%, when it drops below 50% I can add a little water via an IV line I ran through the cord hole for the turner. Hopefully we'll see some pips soon!
  4. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Precious!! I’m always on the lookout for antique quail figurines when I go to the secondhand stores. These are beautiful 😍
  5. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    ...the ones with especially saddled air cells. I’ve still got 2 in here that I’m not sure about, lots of weird shadowing, but I saw movement in 1 so *something* is alive in there (candling gets hard when they’re so big!) If all 13 of these hatch we’d be at exactly 50% hatch rate, but I suspect...
  6. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Thanks for this tip (you too, @R2elk)! The shot glass method has been keeping the humidity right at 30-32% since last week 👌 Total average humidity over the course of the hatch thus far is 36.3%. Tomorrow is lockdown, I'm so nervous and excited!!! I'm currently researching the best way to hatch...
  7. eddie_van_quailen

    Transporting one single rooster?

    I had live birds shipped to me once, and will never do it again. Way too stressful watching the tracking constantly, delays, etc. One arrived deceased and I swore never again. I'd drive, if I were you, or find someone closer to you that has an extra roo.
  8. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Btw, we're down from 26 to 15 eggs now! Couple of eggs with very mobile air cells that I gave a few extra days, but saw no development... when I opened them up found either scrambled yolks or nothing. One egg had a teeny tiny blood spot upon further investigation, but considering I can see...
  9. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Mine is a Hovabator Genesis 1588, styrofoam with a fan and 1 vent plug (currently open and will stay that way!). I am planning to put a radiator in that room to warm it up before the chicks hatch this weekend. But the room hasn't been heated during incubation. I have been adding just 10-15mL of...
  10. eddie_van_quailen

    what breed is this quail?

    That is a coturnix, also called Japanese quail. Looks to be Italian color, probably a hen. More info about plumage colors can be found here.
  11. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    That makes sense! OK, I will not. I've read so much conflicting information the last few months 😅 Adding water to the smallest well has brought the humidity back up to 41%. I suppose that's the lowest I can make it with water in it, unless I try with a sponge.
  12. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I closed the A/C vent, so it's not air-conditioned, and since our outdoor humidity has been ~70% in the mornings, I open the window to get some fresh humid air in there every day. BUT... I am also a doofus, and the tray I thought was the smallest was actually the largest 🤦‍♀️ Surface area, not...
  13. eddie_van_quailen

    I have a broody hen!

    Ahh that's so exciting :love
  14. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Okay, that's what I thought... unfortunately, during testing, the smallest surface area water pool provides 50% humidity for ~3 days. I did this on day 0, and then let it run out and didn't add more, so the average humidity so far is 31%, but currently at this moment it's 20%. Maybe I'll try the...
  15. eddie_van_quailen

    I have a broody hen!

    Is the pancake still 'cakin??
  16. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Quick question for you all... My house tends to run at ~50% humidity normally, but since I let the incubator run dry it's running at about 20-25%. Is this too dry? I can only assume the difference from ambient humidity is due to the fan inside the incubator. I know there are a lot of believers...
  17. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Discarded 3 more eggs last night, 2 celadon and 1 black :( 2 had a detached membrane (air cell was moving around as I handled the egg) and 1 had a nonexistent air cell (teeny tiny bubbles, no discernible true air cell). These ones probably should have been caught & discarded before setting, but...
  18. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Ahh... okay. That makes sense. That one will be tossed tomorrow, then :( Thank you!
  19. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    I cracked open the two leakers, just to satisfy my own curiosity (and for my own educational purposes) and there wasn't any development whatsoever. So, infertile! I feel better about pulling them. I'll double-check the one with the weird bubbles tomorrow and toss it if it looks the same.
  20. eddie_van_quailen

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    LOL, believe it or not I did think of that 😂 It's a plug-in, and it's fully charged. Sadly still doing it. I ordered a new one via Amazon, it should be here Saturday!
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