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  1. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

  2. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Aww that’s a lovely name 💖💖 we ended up settling on Hetty!
  3. ElGoose

    Breeding Geese for Size

    I’m thinking of the puss in boots mama goose now hahaha, I’d never have to worry about predators again!
  4. ElGoose

    Mallard duck with mixed male/female plumage!

    Thought you guys might appreciate these pics, I heard male mallards will shed after the breeding season and look more like females, I managed to snap quite a few pics of this one as well as next to male and female ducks so you can really see the difference 😃 you can kind of see the gradual change
  5. ElGoose

    Gosling cuddles

    I need to invest in one! I’ve got a fully grown girl and she still goes for my hair 🤣 it’s like she’s infatuated!
  6. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Aww it’s a lovely name, I just felt like Hissy and Gerty didn’t roll off the tongue 🤣💖
  7. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Aww thank you for the suggestions! We held off on calling her Missy as that’s what his first partner’s name was 🥹 she was also a buff girl and was so lovely! I miss her lots 💖
  8. ElGoose

    Some pretty pictures of Polly and Sebastian playing in the field lol[ATTACH][ATTACH]

    Some pretty pictures of Polly and Sebastian playing in the field lol
  9. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Picked up a girl yesterday as we’d been looking for an adult girl for a while for our gander hissy who’s lost 2 partners in the past (one was taken one was of old age) she’s a lovely buff girl who’s got a lovely temperament, here’s some pics of her on the first day calming down in my lap! I’m...
  10. ElGoose

    Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?

    It was incredibly devastating, not long after this post she passed away in a similar fashion to her brother 😢 I think I knew she would but just couldn’t process it, I miss her lots as she was such a lovely gosling 😢💔
  11. ElGoose

    Getting 2 new goslings tomorrow - breed guess?

    Hi yes I did xx they’re very lovely, I think they’re more like Toulouse but without the dewlap
  12. ElGoose

    Overly picky goslings

    Goslings are like toddlers, they’re so picky! 😅 you’ll find that as they grow they’ll develop different tastes, one of my geese loves corn and the others won’t touch it, but she won’t eat peas!
  13. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    Yes they have a large boat pond outside that we clean regularly, just cleaned and scrubbed it today actually and they love going in
  14. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    I’ll see if I can xx they aren’t super used to us yet as it hasn’t been a full week since we’ve had them but it should be ok
  15. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    This is one of the new goslings, they’ve had a few issues ever since they came such as being quite tired and sitting down a lot, but getting more active as now they’re eating a lot of grass and peas and lettuce alongside waterfowl feed… though when I look closer it looks like Walter has a sore...
  16. ElGoose

    Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?

    Thank you 💖 I’ll try to weigh her over time, she was a tiny gosling so I’m hoping it’s just genetics
  17. ElGoose

    Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?

    So Zilla was cleared by the vet and hasn’t had any more leg issues so far but we were advised to get some worming treatment anyway just incase which will be here by Sunday at the latest - I’m mainly just slightly concerned as it feels like she’s not growing very fast and sadly I don’t have her...
  18. ElGoose

    Getting 2 new goslings tomorrow - breed guess?

    I ended up organising to have 2 more goslings since Zilla my current gosling sadly lost her brother recently 😢 I won’t be introducing them directly to the flock just yet but I’ll see how mum and dad geese react when they see them! I’ve just gotten a picture of the 2, I was told first that they...
  19. ElGoose

    Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT

    She was doing loads better today! No leg problems whatsoever, the vitamin solution arrived and I’ll start adding it into their water and give her a drop directly tomorrow and see how she gets on 💖 but otherwise very active running around and eating loads and her poop looks healthy too! She’s...
  20. ElGoose

    Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT

    Thank you, I’ll look at getting some of that asap! I wanted to take her inside and set up an indoor box as we have a heat lamp but Polly, her mum, just cries and cries for her and I felt so awful… it’s currently midnight so they are in the shed, however I’m in the uk and it’s been very warm...
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