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  1. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Very nice looking group. I've started collecting eggs for another hatch from Esther (EE) for OEs and from the 3 BRs for Midnight Majesty's.
  2. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Both are pretty. Does Blue have feathered legs?
  3. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Thanks, bud. How are yours getting along?
  4. wrathsfarm

    Cockerels behaviour

    Sounds like your doing great so far and should be close to letting them all mingle together/integrate. You may have an issue with your roo/hen ratio having the 2 boys if they decide to want to fight over the girls eventually, and may have to come to a decision to only keep one, if they can't get...
  5. wrathsfarm

    Cockerels behaviour

    Do any of your birds free range at all or are they always in a run/pen? Separate coops/sleeping areas?
  6. wrathsfarm

    Cockerels behaviour

    Yes, do that. You are keeping them separated/quaranteed from the others still in a see each other but no touch area?
  7. wrathsfarm

    Cockerels behaviour

    It seems to me they're just not used to eating the 'treats' that your giving them. I think they'll come around by watching what the others are pecking at. All sounds normal with newly acquired birds getting used to new surroundings and new foods.
  8. wrathsfarm

    Kalmbach or Nutrena (All flock)

    I just caught your edit and apparently was just paying attention to your feed question and missed the ages. I have 12 weeks olds on chick starter still in their coop that's attach to the bigger coop, but I don't worry about them eating the all-flock when out free ranging. Sorry I missed that.
  9. wrathsfarm

    Cockerels behaviour

    How long have you had them? And what 'exactly' are you feeding them? My thoughts are they are chickens and genetically know how to be a chicken, so they will dust bathe etc. when they need to. As far as your other older hens? The newbies will stay far away from them for now, til they get used...
  10. wrathsfarm

    Kalmbach or Nutrena (All flock)

    I would go with what's best for the chicks. (Crumble) Brand doesn't matter to me.
  11. wrathsfarm

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Awesome pic... ♥️ I love the rooster chick pics also, definitely an 'awwww' moment. 🙂
  12. wrathsfarm

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Both Barred Rocks are pullets. The other bird in middle of last pic is a cockerel.
  13. wrathsfarm

    Broody hen issue

    I'm right there along side ya, I'm trying to get into breeding and selling. The wife says I'm "breeding and keeping" Back to rule #1... I'm not arguing with her. 🤣
  14. wrathsfarm

    Would love some help sexing

    #7 is not an SLW. Not too familiar with crested breeds to say what it is.
  15. wrathsfarm

    Broody hen issue

    Just throwing it out there that I throw my boys on craigslist for $5. each and they go fast. But I'm not arguing with your wife's logic. 🙂
  16. wrathsfarm

    Broody hen issue

    I haven't broke a broody yet. I always find a reason to hatch more chicks... Cursed with chicken math 🤣 Hopefully you get your girl sorted. 👍
  17. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    The 12 week olds...
  18. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Apple didn't fall far from that tree...🤣
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