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  1. Eggcessive

    Blood in stool (1st time with this 4 me)

    I prefer the one gallon waterers, since if they are over half full at all times, they don’t knock them over by jumping on top. And keep them up to shoulder height of the chicks on boards or bricks. This one is inexpensive and works well...
  2. Eggcessive

    Limp foot

    B12 is not the one she needs, but B2 (riboflavin.) Wire dog crate with food and water are good to separate them if she is too active.
  3. Eggcessive

    Adult ring-necked pheasant male shaking his head

    That is a neurological symptom or seizure like activity. Running in circles or backward is also neurological. Many use human vitamin E, 400 IU and also give a little human B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed onto a spoonful water or food.
  4. Eggcessive

    Eye lid swelling

    How long has it looked that way? Hard to know the exact reason, but mycoplasma (MG) respiratory disease, a peck injury, and bee or wasp sting could all be possibilities. Do you see any bubbles, foam, or gunk in the eye? You could flush the eye with saline and apply some plain antibiotic ointment...
  5. Eggcessive

    Limp foot

    It could be a sprain, but it also could be a riboflavin deficiency. Mareks disease can be a smaller possibility. Does your chick vitamin have riboflavin (b 2?) If not, get some inexpensive human B complex or super B, and give 1/4 to 1/2 tablet daily, crushed into a bit of egg, wet feed, or a...
  6. Eggcessive

    Thought it was poop, but.....

    Was that the umbilicus or navel? Perhaps you removed the scab and it bled. I would apply some alcohol or iodine, so that it will dry up.
  7. Eggcessive

    Blood in stool (1st time with this 4 me)

    Do you know if this was definitely a dropping and not bleeding from pecking or a blood feather? I don’t see any poop. Is anyone lethargic or puffed up? I would watch for more, or just get some Corid in case it is from droppings, and treat for coccidiosis. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5...
  8. Eggcessive

    Weird Question: Accidentally got Blu-Kote in Chicken's vent

    It shouldn’t a problem. It has alcohol in it which can sting a little, and it has gentian violet. That medication used to be painted inside babies’ mouths to treat thrush or fungal infection years ago. Although it is no longer used for that in this country, no one died from it.
  9. Eggcessive

    Chicken has bright blue eyes. Possible marek’s? Help!

    What does the other eye look like? Can you get a more clear picture of the left eye in good light with no reflections?
  10. Eggcessive

    Sussex bulge rear end

    Some hens may have extra fat there, but fluid from water belly/ascites can be common. If it feels firm, I would look more at it being internal laying/salpingitis or a tumor. What do her poops look like? Are the urates in her poop white or yellow?
  11. Eggcessive

    Week old chick injury with bone exposure

    You can buy some some Hibiclens chlorhexidene to clean the wound, then rinse it off, or use saline or a wound spray such as Vetericyn twice a day. Then just apply plain Neosporin over the wound.
  12. Eggcessive

    Rooster foot infection

    If he were mine I would start doing some daily soaks in warm water with Epsom salts. Afterward when dry, then apply vaseline and rub it into the skin. Ivermectin pour on can be used once and again in 14 days, and the dosage is 0.1 ml for every 2 pounds of weight. But the skin of his legs really...
  13. Eggcessive

    HELP! Egg broke inside of chicken?

    Glad to hear that she is doing well.
  14. Eggcessive

    Not sure if my injured bird is a lost cause

    She might have internal injuries, but treat for shock just the same. Get her drinking fluids with the electrolytes often for a couple of days. Mix chick feed with a little water to moisten some. Offer both the moistened and some dry. Oatmeal is not good alone. Make her a chick sling chair to get...
  15. Eggcessive

    Baby chick bit by dog.

    It sounds like the chick has had a severe prolapse of the large intestines. There is nothing that can be done to help it. I would put it down so that it doesn’t suffer. The quickest way is to to take very sharp scissors and removed the head. I am so sorry. I have trained my dogs in the past with...
  16. Eggcessive

    Sick chick won't open eyes, diarrhoea, lethargy

    Do not add electrolytes to the Corid. Thiamine in the vitamins is not to be given while on Corid. Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. I would treat all chicks at the same time. Iodine should not be used in the eye. Instead make or buy some normal...
  17. Eggcessive

    Chicken with hurt leg

    Your video can be uploaded to YouTube with a link posted here. Human vitamin B complex that contains all B’s including riboflavin can be crushed and given in a small amount of food or egg, and dosage is 1/4 tablet daily. That can help with leg issues. Please let us know how she is getting along.
  18. Eggcessive

    Is This Poop Okay? (**Pics!**)

    Yes, you can worm the 6 week olds now. You can worm and treat with Corid at the same time.
  19. Eggcessive

    Chick Sitting With Legs Straight Out In Front

    I would crush the B complex into a tsp of water or in a little egg, and give it to her. She needs the 1/4 tablet all at once or twice daily, not just in water. Chick slings are good for getting a disabled chick upright and in front of their food and water. Here are some examples, and the first 2...
  20. Eggcessive

    Not walking right!

    Do they sell a balanced chicken where you live? They sell human vitamin B complex in stores or pharmacies where you buy vitamins. B complex has all b vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc. 1/2 tablet daily can be given in food or orally. How old is she? If the seed mix is not a complete...
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