Search results for query: silkie

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  1. HansElvis4ever

    Lost 2 roosters within 2 days...HELP!

    ...Cross (meat bird) that had fallen off a truck. Long story short, we decided to take him in and care for him. A few months after this, we got silkie chicks, with the hopes that they would all be friends. Everything had gone well and fast-forward a year and a half, this past Monday, I went out...
  2. Serenity06

    ~7 week old silkies

    What I'm leaning towards and also hoping for is that 2 is a cockerel and the other 2 are pullets but I've heard silkies can be difficult to sex.
  3. BamaGirl925

    What color and gender is this beautiful silkie?

    Hey everyone I have a 15 week old silkie chick. I would love to know if anyone would know what the color/ breed of this beautiful silkie is called. Also if anyone and help determine if I have a hen or a roo. Thank you all in advance for the help 🥰
  4. Massachuchicks

    Silkies and Showgirls in GA

    Hatched 5/11 and 6/3. These gorgeous chicks come from A award winning bloodline. message me for details! Located south of atlanta in the peachtree city area.
  5. P

    Sexing silkies

    Is there anyway you guys can help me sex these silkies? The black one will be 21 weeks Friday. The white one will 16 weeks Friday.
  6. I

    Chickens face smells really bad, never normally this bad.

    I've got this silkie chicken that I've had for almost 5 years now, I've recently noticed(while picking her up) that her face absolutely stinks, at first I thought that maybe she needed a bath, but the rest of her body smells fine, its just her head, as I said I've had her for almost five years...
  7. M

    Silkie chick colour?

    Is there anyone who can identify what colour my chicks are. I hatched two beautiful USA Silkies from a mixed colour flock. One I think looks partridge from what I'm trying to self teach, the lighter one I actually have no idea. First time chicken mum and I love them.
  8. R

    Free Silkie Rooster

    Free silkie rooster to a good home within driving distance of Pittsburgh or Washington Pa. Born March 4, 2024.
  9. Slothinc

    Is this silkie hen chocolate or black?

    Hello! I have this silkie hen (she doesn’t really look like a hen because she has no crest, but she does lay eggs!) and I have always just assumed she was a sun bleached black. But I was looking at her today wondering if she might actually be chocolate. Especially next to my black chicks. In the...
  10. C

    Silkie sex??

    Anybody have any guesses about my two 3.5 mos old birds? I say 1 is roo and 2 is pullet but that do I know
  11. LukeS

    Silkie Chicken Poop A Little Watery

    I've got a 3 year old Silkie Hen, when I put her out this morning her poopy was a little runny looking. She doesn't have any symptoms, acting normal. Is this cause for concern?
  12. Sevmeldim3

    Frizzle Silkie and Satin Roos

    Hello! I have 2- 11 week old cockerels. It is almost time to separate them into different coops/pens. One is a white splash frizzle silkie (he has grey running through his white along his back) and the other is grey splash satin. I want to sort out the girls and make 2 fun pens. What color...
  13. Layla_Chickens

    What is going on with my silkie hen?

    I have a silkie hen and she has never had chicks but has layed normally. So now she has decided she wants to have chicks so she's been in the nesting box and protecting her eggs and everything and I couldn't be more proud. But before anything happened I had introduced another hen I had from my...
  14. 7

    Silkies hatching.

    I have 10 silkie eggs in an incubator. 1 hatched yesterday which was day 19. 1 hatched early this morning. Day 21 is tomorrow. My question is how long can I leave the hatched chickens in the incubator waiting for the others to hatch? I don’t want to open it and risk the other eggs.
  15. K

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    At what point does wry neck, likely caused by an injury, become irreversible? We discovered our silkie in this condition early today. We've been giving her vitamin E and egg, but she's immobile, lying on her side, kicking in the air, with her eyes fluttering and neck curled under. When we hold...
  16. B

    Silkie gender 12 weeks

    I’ve got 4 silkies that I still can’t tell gender on…the combs look like 3 girls and a boy, the tails 2 girls and 2 boys, the head pouf all boys..I can’t tell! Help!
  17. C

    What breed is this chicken? Silkie mix

    I got this chicken a couple months ago, with three other silkies. She has black feet, a black beak, and five toes. When she was younger she looked exactly the same as the silkies, and then lost the fluff. Until 2 months ago she had fluff on her neck as well. Does anyone have a chicken similar to...
  18. EleventhHour

    Hoover Hatchery questionable “silkie

    Ok…first of all, don’t buy silkies from Hoover because they don’t seem to be at all “correct”. Granted, I impulse bought 4 chicks from my local Runnings and I only want them as pets, but c’mon… At six weeks…Three are mostly silkie-like. One has four toes, two have straight combs coming in, one...
  19. Mantou

    broody silkie keeps on sitting NEXT to eggs

    Hi all, my silkie Mantou has gone broody for the first time, but she seems more interested in sitting AROUND eggs rather than sitting ON any eggs... Some information: Approx ~30 weeks old Laid 25 eggs before getting broody on 20th May Laid 3 more eggs after that before going full-on broody...
  20. Marelle

    Silkies 14-15 weeks gender guesses?

    Is it too early to sex silkies at this age? The white is a week older than the rest, but they're all about 3.5 months old. 1 - White - oldest, I think pullet? Very neat hairdo, I don't see any wattles but this one is bearded I think? 2 - Partridge/buff - youngest at 14 weeks. Most confident...
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