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  1. ModernScientist

    Allowing a rooster to visit for a while...

    I have a flock of hens, 5 buff orpingtons, 5 barred rocks, and 6 silver laced wyandottes. In the spring they will be two years old. I purposely did not get a rooster because my neighbors are a bit close and I didn't want to generate any noise complaints. So now I'm thinking I want to "borrow"...
  2. ModernScientist

    Is this egg just big? Or is it a contender?

    I was outside working on my chicken coop and I heard one of my hens making an awful sound. Now as you folks know hens can get quite loud so I didn't think to much of it but when I went out to collect today's eggs I found the largest chicken egg I've ever seen. This egg is 7.3 cm (2.87 in)...
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