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  • Users: nikijack
  • Content: Threads
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  1. nikijack

    Back again

    Hi: Picked up two, one red, one white, from Pullets Plus. I had quit, because of the nasty neighbours and varmints, but will try again. They sure are frightened. No eggs yet. My dog is very interested. Have to keep him away.
  2. nikijack

    Wild hen

    So Lola was allowed out of her coop every morning. She was wandering further every day and not coming home at night. Yesterday nasty Mary brought her home in a double plastic bag. She was really angry, she’s always angry. I let Lola out of the bags and had a hard time catching her. She’s been in...
  3. nikijack

    Hens alone

    Hi: Leaving town for a few days. I let Lulu and Lola out every day, and into their pen every evening. I want to leave them for four days, with much water and food, inside. and a heat lamp. Is this okay? Jack
  4. nikijack

    Guinea Pigs

    Hello: I picked up some eggs from a local farmer. I asked her how she kept her hens predator free. She said that her grandmother had taught her to keep a few guinea pigs with the hens. The sounds they make keep the chickens safe. Is there any truth to this? thanks, Jack
  5. nikijack

    Dog House

    Hello: I built a beautiful dog house, 300 pounds, 300 dollars. 4' by 4' by 4'. I'm having serious trouble keeping my hens alive in my big coop. Do you think I could house two hens in this dog house, night time only, with a good door with hardware cloth? Jack
  6. nikijack

    two more gone

    Hi: I lost two beautiful hens in two days. No evidence of ingress or egress. The havaheart trap had the bait eaten, but did not trip.I don't know what to do. When it's warmer, I'll make a fortress with hardware cloth. I thought of bringing her inside last night, suppose I should have. Maybe 25...
  7. nikijack


    Hi: Tonight it's -8C in Canada. I have 2 new Silkies as friends for my white full size bird. They love each other, and keep each other warm, but they seem to enjoy staying outside in this cold weather, instead of in their coop with a sun lamp. There is a wood shed, with a dedicated coop with...
  8. nikijack

    Dokie's gone

    Hi: Dokie liked to roost on the barbecue. One of her mates jumped on the lid, closing it on Dokie. I couldn't find her today, realized the lid was down, opened it, and there she was, a goner. I suppose she died of thirst. Broke my heart. She was a Chantecler. Jack
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