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  1. NormanRooster

    my broody hen keeps running away

    We went on holiday and came back to a broody hen in the yard when we went to bed down she wasn't in the house and this has happened before. The last time it happened she was discovered under some wood in the barn where it was safe but she isn't in the same place she comes back occasionaly to eat...
  2. NormanRooster

    My hen suddenly DIED!

    Our barred rock bantam hen used too have a respertory infection but we quickly tackled it with anti biotic and she made a full recovery. She was healthy for about 4 months after and was only 9 months old when she died. We came down to bed them down and she was just lying there stiff and dead...
  3. NormanRooster

    My rooster is paralyzed in one leg after parasites

    We noticed that our rooster was having some walking difficulties on the weekend and decided that if there was no improvement by Monday that we would take him to the vets, well when we opened the coop on Monday all the hens ran out which is weird because he is usually first out but when my Mum...
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