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  1. jaclyncarneal

    roost question

    I HOPE im in the right section. If not im sorry. So i do have a roost built and they all use it except 2. I have a smaller silkie pullet who cant reach it yet and a silkie cockerel who has a birth defected foot. His foot makes him unable to roost with the others. I dont mind for now because he...
  2. jaclyncarneal

    Egg laying issues

    So my EE Dusty laid wonky eggs for about a week or 2 (as in oblong), which i dont mind A+ for effort. She has ALWAYS laid in her nesting box after the first egg (i put her first one in it and shes done well ever since). Well all of a sudden we were sitting with the girls and on the ground i saw...
  3. jaclyncarneal

    I.S.O. Jersey Giant (md)

    Preferably located in Md so i can pick up. If not will you/do you know a breeder that will only ship 1? I literally have a mixture and like it that way. Sadly 1 hen passed away and we are hoping for a Jersey Giant this time. Any leads on breeders appreciated.
  4. jaclyncarneal

    Chicken unexplained/unexpected death

    So my hen "big mama" died abruptly a few days ago. I have scoured the internet, and called local farmers to no avail. She was eating, drinking, and using the bathroom as usual. She was head of the flock and theres no sign it was a chicken fight. I checked for predators to no avail. It happened...
  5. jaclyncarneal

    best guess on her breed

    We named her Dusty because she looks dirty anyway i know shes mixed but have no idea with what.
  6. jaclyncarneal

    Gender and some need breeding

    I have 7 that i need sexed but since silkies are hard (and i have 3) ill only be posting my 4 main ones. Also breeding for 2 of the 4 would help. I tried earlier but they werent feathered in so im back hoping their old enough now. Your best guess helps. ❤ Suspect #1- HAWK EYE (too lazy to stand)...
  7. jaclyncarneal

    Chicken attitude problems

    So a little bit of back story.. We started with 4 babies and then got 1 hen and 3 more straight run babies. Now we added 3 more hens (roughly a month ago). Well we assumed the pecking order would calm down all the girls know their place. Well our original hen (Big momma) is at the top of the...
  8. jaclyncarneal

    nesting box & perch questions

    So we turned our 16ft by 8ft shed (about 7 feet tall) into a coop. We are putting 3 different doors with a moveable run to give them enclosed access to 3 areas at different times. We figured moving the run one time a week will be fine. Other than that they will free range for a limited time (2-4...
  9. jaclyncarneal

    can you tell me the breed of my 2 chicks?

    So i recieved 2 baby chicks as a surprise yesterday. Bought from a flea market so i have no idea what they are but im pretty sure theyre different. One is older and brownish while the other is black and developing a tiny yellow comb. The smaller black one is already foraging very well but the...
  10. jaclyncarneal

    my chicken wont use a coop?

    So i have a chicken (im told a silkie polish mix) and a duck (pekin). Together since 8 weeks. When they were younger we had them in a coop and etc all was well until animals got in the coop and we let them roam to make a new coop. Well after 48 hrs of roaming they REFUSE to go in anything. So i...
  11. jaclyncarneal

    What breed chicken do i have?

    I have googled so many times my head is spinning. I got this chick as a baby for mothers day (this past May) it was supposedly 8 weeks old and i also got a pet duck. They sell them as pets at the local flea market. I know my duck is a Peking but what is my chicken? And can you tell me if its a...
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