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  1. Country3883


    So got a call from my gandpa the other day about my chickens so there is something going around maybe idk that people have gotten 10 or more chickens and they have gotten e.coli from there eggs is this becouse of lack of clean coops and runs? This something I need to worry about?
  2. Country3883

    Jersey giants

    I'm thinking of wanting to get some jersey giant's what's diffrent with this breed vrs say my rirs
  3. Country3883

    Sper of the moment

    Ok so I for sure have a rooster on my hands and I'm happy about that I love rirs roosters but here's my question spers should I leave them on or file/clip them down if I do how much can I take off with out injury to him?
  4. Country3883

    How do I sex a chick?

    Ok so I've got 2 two month of rirs I've been told I've got two roos one roo one hen two hens I seen a video on you tube that said to look for come and waddle development and the type of feathers on the tail I wanna hear from the experts what do I look for? What are some for sure differences
  5. Country3883

    Country's rirs

    Here's an updated post with new pics of my chicks I got about 2 months ago
  6. Country3883

    Snip snip

    I want clip my chickens wings what a good way to do this? Do I clip one wing or both?
  7. Country3883

    Blue jay protected my. Young chicks

    Ok so my chicks are still to young to be called chickens lol but they where in the front yard scratching and I seen a blue jay chase away a hawk that was heading toward my chicks just thought I share this story I seen it this morning and if I didn't see it I never would have belived it
  8. Country3883

    How big?

    I'm about to start setting posts for my run I plain to have around 10 chickens at any given time about how big should I make my run?
  9. Country3883

    What breed is this

    So a friend of mine has a rooster and they don't know the breed can anyone tell me what it is I edit it to hide the person's face at there request
  10. Country3883

    From ground to raised

    From day one my chicks coop was always on the ground with a good hard rain I had to raise there coop to keep them off the ground and out the water but now they done know to use the ramp or to fly up to get in how can I fix this? Below is the coop
  11. Country3883

    Road island red club

    Just wanted to get a spot started for those of us who have and love rirs mine are still chicks
  12. Country3883

    Unwanted lumber?

    Hey yall I live in saint martinville area. I was wondering if anyone has left over 2x4s or plywood. they are looking to get give away and in my area I'll be glad to come get it.
  13. Country3883

    Cleaning dos and donts ?

    So what's the dos and donts of cleaning a coop do I just pass a water house or hit it with fabuloso?
  14. Country3883

    M temp free range coop

    Please keep in mind this is all thrown togeather from scrap wood we had used in my construction job
  15. Country3883

    Hey yall

    Hey yall names is well you can call me country I'm on my second flock this is my first personal flock I'm raising some road island reds I've got three for now reds and gray barons are my favorite breeds
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