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  1. Peace Love Hens

    ***Fictional CHICKEN BOOK!!***

    Hey Everyone! I am about to publish my FIRST CHICKEN BOOK! It will be avalible on Amazon on December 4th, 2019. I think this book would make an eggcelent :p holiday gift for anyone who is into chickens or animals. The summary and book cover is below: Nestled on the coast of California, four...
  2. Peace Love Hens

    3 Year-Old-Hen Recovering From Unsuccessful Surgery - Tips and Ideas?

    Hi BYC folks, I'm sure some of you have heard of my favorite girl, Rubi (short for Rubina). I posted a thread because I saw/felt a really strange bulge between her legs. After the protrusion grew significantly in a week, we took her to the vet (last Wednesday). The vet told us that it was a...
  3. Peace Love Hens

    Two-Year-Old Hen Wheezing and making super high pitched noises! What should I do?

    Hi BYC, My 2-year-old hen has been squawking all day. She was looking at new nesting spots for herself, scratching in the dirt and pecking other chickens. She was giving a variety of odd squawks today while she went around doing normal things. I picked her up, examined her body thoroughly for...
  4. Peace Love Hens

    VERY Abnormal fright and molting coming from flock - Advice please!!

    Hi, In case you don't already know, I have been raising my flock of eight chickens for about two years now. I really need help regarding these abnormal happenings that have taken place in my flock in the past two days. Three of our chickens are molting just fine. The other one ( a Buff...
  5. Peace Love Hens

    2 year old Hen- Only laid six eggs this year.... Help!

    Hi! I really need some advice on how to handle this situation. I have a two-year-old RIR hen, named Rubi, who was a very proficient layer. Last year, she was our best layer and we could expect about six to seven eggs a week from her. But this year, all of that changed. She has only laid a total...
  6. Peace Love Hens

    2 Year Old Hen with Laying and Dropping issue

    I have a 2 year old RIR hen who has not laid in a couple months now. In total, she has only produced about seven eggs while all of her sisters (all two years as well), have laid within the 40-50 range. She also has a pooping issue, she hasn't been going to the bathroom as much as all of her...
  7. Peace Love Hens

    Thermometer Reads 107 Fahrenheit! How do I keep my flock cool!?

    Hi! Today is an especially hot, hot day in Northern CA. I have never had to deal with three-diget-temperatures and I don't know what to do. My flock is panting, staying in the shade and drinking LOTS of water. I already put ice cubes in their water (which melted in 2 mins) and dunked their...
  8. Peace Love Hens

    11 month hen loosing neck feathers due to pecking... Help!

    I have a Ameracauna/Aracauna who is at the lowest in the pecking order. Under just three weeks, she has lost a half-quarter sized patch of feathers because the others are constantly chasing her and pulling out her feathers. Any advice would be appreciated. I had a hard time getting pictures, but...
  9. Peace Love Hens

    Hi BYC!

    Hello BYC Community, I am a chicken/farm fowl lover, I enjoy drawing chickens and painting them too. I currently have eight chickens; Sunshine- Alpha, Buff Orpington/White Leghorn, two years old, likes to purr a LOT Wizard- Second in pecking order, Black Australorp, two years, sweet and mellow...
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