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  • Users: FowlLove
  • Content: Threads
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  1. FowlLove

    Lash egg?

    My mom found this strange bean shaped thing in one of our hen's eggs this morning. I've never seen anything like this! I'm worried that it could be a lash egg. There are no vets that will see chickens anywhere around us. Are there any OTC antibiotics/probiotics/etc. I could use for the whole...
  2. FowlLove

    Bumble foot

    Hello everyone! About a month ago I removed two bumblefoot plugs from my Polish. I covered them in gauze for a few days until they scabbed over and gave her antibiotics for 2 weeks. However, the swelling in one of her feet still does not appear to be down by much. I also noticed that the...
  3. FowlLove

    Silkie not recovering from wry neck

    Hello everyone! Back in the beginning of May, I posted that my Silkie had an issue with wry neck after being broody. A couple people suggested that I give her vitamin E for 2 weeks, and that worked wonderfully for a while, then she went right back to having issues. Should I still be giving her...
  4. FowlLove

    Red Pyle OEGB?

    Hello! I was told earlier that these chicks were likely Red Pyle OEGB’s. Do they still look like they are that breed/color variety? As you can see she has a bit of an orange/brown tint on her neck, that is naturally there.
  5. FowlLove

    Silkie hen has odd tick?

    Hello everyone! I have noticed that ever since my silkie hen went broody (she stopped about 3 weeks ago), she sometimes has this weird tick where she sort of tucks her head under herself, shakes her head, backs up/tumbles over, and then seems to snap out of it within a few seconds or if I...
  6. FowlLove

    Red Breasted Black OEGB?

    Hello everyone! I posted earlier and was told this chick is probably a black breasted red OEGB. Does it still look like that's what she is? The feathers she has coming in makes me think she's going to be a different color, but I could be wrong.
  7. FowlLove

    What breed are these bantams?

    I had a broody silkie chicken that sat on her eggs for 19 days but unfortunately none of them made it :( Soooo of course I had to impulse buy some peeps from TSC :D Does any one know what breed the brown striped one is? And what breed(s) the white ones are likely to be? Thanks!
  8. FowlLove

    Is it possible for a chicken to eat too much?

    Hello everyone! I noticed today that we are going through feed really fast! 🤯 My family thinks they are eating too much and that we need to stop giving them free access to food. I always thought that chickens wouldn't over eat even if they had access to food 24/7? They are mostly in the coop...
  9. FowlLove

    Rotten egg exploded, another cracked

    Hello everyone! Something terrible just happened- one of my broody chicken's eggs exploded :( I was a little suspicious about it, when I candled that one it seemed a bit behind the others and it had a slight crack in it that I taped over. The bad thing is that I think the explosion cracked...
  10. FowlLove

    What will happen when you breed 2 splash silkies?

    Hello everyone! I currently have a splash silkie hen sitting on some developing eggs! :D The only rooster in the flock is also a splash silkie. I don't really know how chicken genetics work, is there a small chance that the offspring could be white or blue? Or are they going to be 100% splash...
  11. FowlLove

    Broody Silkie

    Hello everyone! I noticed today that I have a broody silkie! I’m planning on letting her sit and hatch them. My question is, should I lock the other girls out? I have the nest box door closed right now and some separate food and water for the silkie. I’m just wondering if it will really be a...
  12. FowlLove

    1yr old Chickens didn’t lay today

    Hey everyone! :) I have a strange situation going on. It’s 8PM, I just got a chance to go collect eggs but there are NONE! I looked all through the nesting boxes, coop, run, and can’t find a single one. I have been getting 5-7 eggs a day for a long time now. Any ideas on what happened?
  13. FowlLove

    Ok to feed layer feed a bit earlier than recommened?

    I understand that 16 weeks is the normal time to start chicks on layer feed, but would it be a problem if I switched at 13 weeks? Or is this potentially harmful? Thank you!
  14. FowlLove

    Chicken tore comb

    Any ideas on what to do to treat it? I have put neosporin on it and isolated her from the rest of the flock. I read that you should cut the rest of the comb off, but I’m not sure that’s the best idea? Will it heal up if I leave it?
  15. FowlLove

    Sick/weak baby chickens

    Good morning everyone! I am hoping someone has some thoughts about what might be going on with our flock. We ordered 7 day-old Silkie chicks and they arrived a week ago. Right now we are down to 3 chicks. We are not sure if it is a disease or if most of the chicks we ordered had a rough start...
  16. FowlLove

    White specks/bumps on egg?

    Hello everyone! My girls recently started laying and I have been enjoying their eggs. :) I noticed the ones my barred Rock has layed have little white specks/bumps (when I look closely they seem raised) Is it an issue? Or is it normal if they just started laying?
  17. FowlLove

    How much water do chickens drink?

    I have 8 chickens, almost 5 months old and just recently got a 3 gallon waterer. How many days should this last them? Thanks!
  18. FowlLove

    How long will a 50 lb bag last?

    I have 8 (12 until a week ago) chickens all about 13 weeks old. They don’t get to free range but get whatever scraps we have. We just went through a 50 lb bag in about 3 weeks. :eek:Does that sound right?
  19. FowlLove

    Golden comet/red star?

    Long story short these chickens were given to us as a surprise from TSC (tractor supply) I’m thinking they could be a red sex link/golden comet/etc? TSC lists that as one of the breeds they carry. They are around 12 weeks
  20. FowlLove

    Preventing mites/parasites

    Hello everyone! I am wondering what I can do to prevent pests in my flock. I was told a drop of oregano oil in their waterer would help. What kind of natural spray could I make/use for the coop? My flock doesn't have any symptoms but I know prevention is the best medicine!
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