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  1. usmanshahzada

    My polish hen is not eating and getting weaker

    My polish hen is not well for the last week or so. She stopped laying eggs as well. Eats v little and is getting weaker day by day and today is hardly moving. Any remedies or any home remedies please?
  2. usmanshahzada

    Incubator's thermometer causing issue?

    I bought a new 25 eggs incubator 2-3 months ago. And I have placed eggs thrice in it and so far output/result is zero. First time placed 24 eggs, second time 8 and now 25. Today is 22nd day and so far no hatches. I have maintained 37.5 C temperature. But today I placed normal body...
  3. usmanshahzada

    My 3 months old Silkie died today

    I dont know what exactly happened. Probably its very cold here in Abbottabad/Pakistan where at night temperature falls below 0. Day before yesterday I found she was not feeling well. I separated her from the rest of the flock and then moved her to another room and even placed electric blower to...
  4. usmanshahzada

    Incubator was off for a few hours

    My son today turned off my incubator and when I came to know about it, there were atleast 5-7 hours passed by then. Today it was 6th day of the eggs. Will all eggs are now lost?
  5. usmanshahzada

    When I can candle the eggs?

    I placed eggs in my incubator on 11th January and today its 16th January (5th Day today) so when I can candle them to see how many of them are fertile?
  6. usmanshahzada

    Is there any specific season for incubating & hatching eggs?

    Is there any specific season for incubating & hatching eggs? Like people say that during Monsoon season, one should not keep eggs under a broody hen or incubator. Is it true?
  7. usmanshahzada

    Anyone else from Pakistan here?

    Hi there! I am from Abbottabad, Pakistan. Is there anyone else from Pakistan on this forum?
  8. usmanshahzada

    A Quick Question

    My hen started laying eggs without a Rooster. After she had laid 2-3 eggs I shifted her with a couple of Roosters and 2 other hens. And after that she has laid 5-6 more eggs. When will her eggs will be fertilized?
  9. usmanshahzada


    I recently bought a 25 eggs incubator. I placed 24 eggs in it and unfortunately no chicks were hatched. What could be the reason? I maintained 37.8 Temperature plus humidity was normally between 65-85. Once or twice humidity fell down to 31 percent. Any thoughts? Its cold here in Abbottabad and...
  10. usmanshahzada

    Usman from Pakistan here

    Hello everyone My name is Usman Shahzada and I am from Abbottabad, Pakistan I have currently 16 chickens in total. I have silver laced polish, heavy buff, cochin, silky, local (desi) breeds I joined this forum to learn more about chicken diseases, incubation and other information as i have...
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