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  1. N

    Help Hen acting slugish i think she may have frostbite.

    Hi, My name is Noah and i believe i have a problem, I went out to the coup this morning to find one hen acting vary sluggish and i picked her up to check to see if she had sour crop because earlier this year another hen had it, she did not so i picked up her feet to check to see is her feet were...
  2. N

    Huge clump of chicken poop stuck on her but with something frozen on stop

    As im writing this i feel like im a bad chicken keeper but i have to non the less so anyway its winter where i live and i went out to the hen house to bring the water feeder in to thaw it out and to feed them when i notice something was hanging from my hen's but, it was a piece of straw on...
  3. N

    HELP My Hen has not eaten or drank anything in hours

    HELP like in the title she has not eaten or drank anything in hours i thought she has sour crop because she puked on me and it stank and the crop was the size of a baseball, but i emptied the crop and she wont eat or drink. i have spererated her from the flock so there isint much of a change of...
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