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  1. Kaybear1950

    Jersey giants and online egg orders

    So over a week ago I ordered more jersey giant chicks (6) to add to my established flock. I have 4 and they are all hens surprisingly! I called yesterday and the day before because the hatchery only ships monday and Wednesday for live chicks and I finally received tracking yesterday. I saw the...
  2. Kaybear1950

    Day 16, going to lockdown!

    I just received my GQF cabinet incubator for my quail. I had them in another incubator that was turning and stayed at 99.5 F and 45% humidity up until now. They are now in a hatching tray in the new incubator which is at 99.5-100 F and pushing 60% humidity. I had to toss two eggs already that...
  3. Kaybear1950

    Help me work out the kinks

    We are thinking of building this coop (). I am attaching pictures of our shed where it will go. We plan to use autozone pans on the bottom and pull them out to clean the poop off. We were thinking of putting in insulation and linoleum flooring with a drain hole to spray off if we needed to, or...
  4. Kaybear1950

    Best quail incubators?

    So I have been looking for quail incubators with a 500-1000+ capacity. I have a 56 that works nice but right now I will have a lot more eggs to incubate eventually so I wanted to kind of see options. I saw there are different types of incubators and some have fans for better temperature...
  5. Kaybear1950

    Losing some quail the first day

    I bought 103 quail and just got them today. 3 have passed already. Brooder is varying 94-100 Fahrenheit. I used chicken starter with 20% protein ground up and regular tap water. Heat lamp is on one side and I am using paper towel with some wood chips as flooring. Is this a normal loss or is...
  6. Kaybear1950

    Male or female coturnix quail

    So today I was looking over our 11 quail that started laying about 5 days ago. All the quail I am sure are male have injuries of some sort. After looking at my 11 I am pretty sure I only have 5 females. We plan to cull tomorrow due to their good age and injuries some of them acquired. Can you...
  7. Kaybear1950

    Photo bomb!

    Here is my 8 week old duckling from our first hatchlings(15 from this batch) from our first trio of muscovies. I am super happy they are so big!:woot I am hoping to process in a couple of weeks! Anyone else have ducklings growing out?:wee
  8. Kaybear1950

    Sneezing and weightloss

    So I have a flock I am about to hand over to someone else while I buy another breed of bird. The issue I am having is the old birds are starting to lose weight and now are sneezing terribly. I don't want to give this person sick birds. What can I start doing to treat them? They are laying fine...
  9. Kaybear1950

    Looking for the best meat birds

    Hello, My husband and I are looking to restart our flock. We have Aracaunas(mixed not full breed) that lay pink and blue eggs. This is nice but not important to us. We are looking to start a flock of birds that grow meat fast and can breed to make chicks we can incubate to later cull and fill...
  10. Kaybear1950

    Should I worm and When?

    So I have 15 muscovy ducklings. I can start culling about July 18 and if they keep growing at this rate that will likely happen. Should I deworm these guys so I don't risk ingesting parasites? I heard ducks are super resistant. I see no signs of worms yet. These are Muscovy if that helps and...
  11. Kaybear1950

    My entrance paper into a Masters degree in Agriculture

    I know of no other forum where this might be appropriate. :D I need an extra pair of eyes to look at my college entrance essay and see if it makes sense or if it is very rambly. I am jittery and having issues. I am just under 500 words. My initial undergraduate is not in Agriculture so my essay...
  12. Kaybear1950

    New to cortunix quail, let's talk closures

    So we want to raise the 15 chicks we just bought to be breeders to make meat birds. We are building a run but it will be on the ground and I just read that might be a no no. If we put the run on a cement base with hay, would that still be a no go and require deworming? The place we bought them...
  13. Kaybear1950

    Muscovy duckling what to feed and questions

    We had one muscovy hatch this afternoon. The attached picture is what we have for our adult muscovy ducks can we use the same feed for the ducklings or do we have to modify it? If we have to add Niacin how do we do it? Also, only one hatched so far and he still is not standing, our chicks...
  14. Kaybear1950

    Separating Multiple Sprouts

    This year I wanted to grow Okra for the first time. I am in Texas. Because this is the first time with okra I bought Bonnie sprouts from Walmart. There is about 6 sprouts per small plastic pot. How do I break them up without hurting them? I am trying to get the highest yield possible and don't...
  15. Kaybear1950

    Established muscovy attacking newbies

    Yesterday we added two females to our one female one drake flock. They are smaller than both of our original sucks and about 9 months. Our current ducks are full grown and we have had them since September. My set up is a cage with a kiddie pool and dog house. We don't have a huge free range area...
  16. Kaybear1950

    Urban Farm

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We first got chickens september of last year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 3 hens and one rooster then 3 chicks in a grow pen. (3) What breeds do you have? We have americauna (4) How did you find out about...
  17. Kaybear1950

    Muscovy ducks in Texas

    Hello, So I bought 1 drake and 1 duck around September last year, they are full grown and were at least a year when I bought them. I live in the DFW area. I will be buying another duck this weekend to help even out the small flock. About when should I expect eggs? My ducks are doing this...
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