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  1. sierraboots

    First time hatching! Help!

    One of my hens (chicken) was super broody so I let her sit on some duck eggs. Yesterday our first little duckling hatched. This is my first time letting one of my girls sit and actually having something hatch out so I’m at a complete loss. She’s in the top left nesting box which is probably 3 ft...
  2. sierraboots

    First time hatching!

    I got my flock up and running last year and we’ve got around 40 hens, 2 turkeys, 10 ducks. I’ve never let anyone hatch anything yet so I’ve got a couple questions! One of my hens is really trying to brood but we don’t have a roo so I gave her some duck eggs to sit on after doing a little...
  3. sierraboots


    Noticed my drake limping and realized he had broken his back toenail, not completely broken just looks like he stubbed the pointed part off. Ive never experience bumblefoot but would this be it? If so, what can I do about it?
  4. sierraboots

    Silver laced polish

    About 18 wks old. Pullet or cockerel? This is one of our favorite birds! So pretty and it has a great temperament. Is that normal of polish birds? I’ve read elsewhere that polish Roos can be quite aggressive..
  5. sierraboots

    Just when I thought I was safe

    TSC had another chick days :celebrate I managed to escape with no chicks but couldn’t resist 2 of each of these. We already have 2 Pekins and 3 Swedish Blacks. I know we’ve got 2 crested but can anyone identify the others for me?!
  6. sierraboots

    Turkey stuck in wire

    Somehow one of my turkey poults got its head stuck in some chicken wire. When I went out I found him almost limp. I’ve brought him in and tried to clean him up a bit but what do I do now? I have him inside and he’s just laying here weak and sleeping. :hit
  7. sierraboots

    A couple first egg questions

    The other day I posted about my girls starting to lay. I have a white leghorn who likes to spend hours in the nesting boxes, two New Hampshire reds (I think? Though one is much darker than the other) and an EE all the same age. The first egg I found Saturday was soft so I’m not sure who it came...
  8. sierraboots

    First egg!

    Saturday night we got our first egg! I’m not sure which one of the girls it was because it was a soft egg, so I couldn’t really tell the color. I put oyster shells in there for them. Yesterday came and went with no egg. We have a New Hampshire red (I think) and a white leghorn that have been...
  9. sierraboots

    Grow out pen for 40

    Ideas/pictures for a grow out pen for 40 chicks?
  10. sierraboots

    Probably a dumb question ..

    probably a dumb question but wanted to make sure my chicks are safe .. we are under a boil advisory for water and I wanted to make sure that it’s safe for chickens to have purified water
  11. sierraboots

    Identify ducks

    we got three of these cuties in our cackle surprise box. Anyone know what kind of ducks they are?
  12. sierraboots

    Pardon my multiple posts

    But my flock just grew by 50. We’ve updated our coop and knocked down one wall and now we have double the space. tomorrow we’ll completely gut and redo the inside layout. I’m wanting to see everyone’s ladder style roosts for 60+ birds. :D Also anyone have any idea what kind of ducks these are...
  13. sierraboots

    Cackle surprise box/ grow out pen

    So a couple difference topics here: I successfully raised my first flock (and second) of chicks. They’re about 4-5 months old now. I put away my brooder and supplies then decided to order a Cackle surprise Box :confused: With my first round it was still pretty cold when I put them outside at 7...
  14. sierraboots

    Housing goats and chickens together

    Currently I have 17 chickens about 5 months old outside in a coop. We built a bigger building to house goats in (just an open space.. no stalls, slanted roof, well ventilated, about 8 ft tall) and then chicken math happened, so I’ve got more birds to move outside in about a month. I’ve been...
  15. sierraboots

    Mixed babies

    First year with chickens and unfamiliar with these breeds. Pullets or cockerels? They’re all six weeks give or take
  16. sierraboots

    Bum leg?

    My chick was fine this afternoon but when I went to check on him a few moments ago it was hobbling around and wanting to lay down, not using it’s left leg. When it’s standing, it perches on it’s right leg with the left one tucked up, toes curled. Physically I didn’t see anything alarming but I’m...
  17. sierraboots

    Golden comet? EE pullet?

    So my first batch of chickens I ended up with 5 (possibly 6) out of 9 cockerels which were all bought labeled as sexed pullets. Rookie mistake thanks TSC. We have a friend that will use them for dinner so I passed them on and bought a dozen more to replace them. I integrated the littler ones...
  18. sierraboots

    Dirt floor coop

    So we made the mistake of buying a TSC coop. We reinforced it and it’s great now. But... the leak roofs at the peak, which we didn’t know until the crazy rain passed through the last couple days and we’re working on fixing that. We originally used hay for the bedding because that’s what we had...
  19. sierraboots

    Switching it up

    Hello all! I have successfully got my first flock outside to the coop and they’ve been flourishing for around a month now. Then Orschelns had the chicks I was dying for so I had to have some of those. So my second flock is around a month now, fully feathered. I’m making some changes in my first...
  20. sierraboots

    Pullet or cockerel

    I posted when these two were younger and the general consensus was one pullet one cockerel, barred rocks. I also heard sex links and bought them labeled as Asian blacks. as they’re getting older (2 months-ish) they are starting to act just alike. The one on the left’s wattles and comb seem to be...
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