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  1. brokenorchid82

    What Colors Are Okay To Breed With A Splash Silkie

    Hello Chicken Lovers out there I am in need of some help. I didn't know where else to post except here, I have a splash frizzled silkie rooster that I am purchasing tomorrow. I already know the number one rule is to not breed Frizzle with Frizzle, that being said I was also told that you could...
  2. brokenorchid82

    Hi I'm New To BYC

    Hi everyone, I am new to BYC. I currently have (3) Silkies; Mage (Partridge Male) Fizzgig (White Silkie, Possibly Pullet), Duffy (White Frizzled Silkie). I also have a trio of Splash Wyandottes, I have White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Whites (Straight Combed), Red Bro Meat chickens, Saipan Jungle...
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