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  1. Bigjibby4082

    The right way is the green way and the green way is the best way GO GREEN 2019

    survival of the fittest The rise of the healthy The growth of perfection Let’s grow our own food Let’s get our own water Let’s build our own houses Let’s make our own cloths Walk instead of drive Ride a bike Stop smoking Stop drinking alcohol Make your own poultry creatures food We...
  2. Bigjibby4082

    Self sufficient flock of birds

    My birds drink water out of puddles and near by ponds and eat scraps from the food I eat that I get from the wildlife and plants around me I spend no money on my flock or my food and Haven’t spent money ever my parents had money and I got what ever I wanted but then I decided that I wanted to...
  3. Bigjibby4082

    Jameson’s eggs are hatching I think

    my rooster Jameson’s eggs are beginning to hatch I’m so excited
  4. Bigjibby4082

    My chickens roost

    My poultry creatures sleep up in a tree beside my house my emus sleep under it and my ducks sleep in the lake I have been searching the forum for some sweet person that does the same but can’t seem to find any sweet peas that do so I thought I’d share this with my fellow poultry keepers I have...
  5. Bigjibby4082

    Homemade incubator

    anyone know how to make a poultry creature cooker ? I have a broody rooster Jameson people say it’s unusual but everyone’s different and he’s on too many eggs he’s sitting on 25 he covers them all but I think it’s a bit much I can’t afford a proper creature cooker so I’m going to make one
  6. Bigjibby4082

    My first egg of the year

    I got my first egg of the year today it was green in color and I dropped it but I’m so happy that I got my first egg of 2019 I believe my white leghorn laid it
  7. Bigjibby4082

    My duck keeps pecking my other ducks feet

    Help I don’t believe it is healthy for my creatures to chase each other around and peck eachothers feet My drake keeps coughing and spitting on my other ducks help is this normal
  8. Bigjibby4082

    New member

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to the creatures as I have had them for over 17.5 years I (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Currently I have over 26 chickens in my coop (3) What breeds do you have? I have lots of breeds. Brahma to leghorn...
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