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  1. Cadence A Waller

    What Gender??

    These chickens hatched sometime in September. I know these aren’t very good pics but I can get better ones soon. The grey one is a purebred lavender Orpington. The black one is a cross between an Ameruacana and a lavender Orpington. My guess is that the lavender Orpington is a cockerel and the...
  2. Cadence A Waller


    I have 1 rooster, 3 cockerels, and 16 hens. I was wondering if there was a way to keep all the rooster and cockerels. I know I don’t want to keep all of them with my hens. Is there some other way to keep them? The cockerels are currently to young to bother my rooster but I know that they will...
  3. Cadence A Waller

    Starlight’s Training Adventure!

    Hi Everyone! I plan on posting pictures of my yearling Star on this thread and going through her training from the ground all the way to the saddle. It would be great if any of you with horses could give me tips! She has already learned to back up and she leads pretty well. I also taught her a...
  4. Cadence A Waller


    Hi! I joined BYC so I can learn more about my chickens and maybe learn enough to answer some questions too! I think that it will be very fun to get to know more about this site!
  5. Cadence A Waller

    Silky with Swollen Foot

    Hi! I am worried about one of my silky chickens. She was acting sore on her feet about 5 days ago so I brought her inside. I was worried her feet were to cold because it was way below freezing outside. After her being inside for about 10 minutes her feet seemed to be fine again so I put her...
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