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  1. N

    hand turning when you work 12 hour shifts

    is there any way to hand turn when you work 12 hour shifts? i work 4 12s- 2 days and 2 nights then i'm off 4 days. is there any possible way to hand turn or is my default an auto turn bater?
  2. N

    changing up a coop design

    so i really like this design. it's 4x4 and 8' tall. I might go a little shorter when we build it (we will have seramas so i don't think i need something so crazy tall) my question is... instead of out opening nesting boxes i was thinking of doing a vertical wall with a door that opens to access...
  3. N

    Where to get shells free

    so I know most of us keep our eggs to dry and feed back to our chickens but if you're just getting started and don't have a lot of eggs you can call local bakeries and ask them to keep their shells and pick up weekly. Most give them free and most have empty icing buckets with lids that they can...
  4. N

    making fodder will dumor scratch germinate

    DuMOR Premium 5 Grain Scratch does this germinate at a good rate to make fodder?
  5. N

    what makes the difference btwn show and pet quality?

    what is the difference in show quality and pet quality seramas? thanks
  6. N

    when do you know?

    when after a fluff nugget is born do their adult feathers start to come in to show their "true colors?" i have 21 serama eggs in my inc now, due to hatch on the 11th, and just wonder when i'll see their color/patterns show up. i have no idea what their parents looked like so it's a real...
  7. N

    when do you know?

    after serama chicks hatch how long before you can tell what the adult feathers will be/coloring will be? i have 21 eggs due to hatch on the 11th and i have no idea what the parents looked like so the end result will officially be a christmas morning surprise!!!!!
  8. N

    1st time w/seramas

    I just picked up 22 eggs and have them in my incubator now. Temp is stead at 100 and humidity btwn 50-55%. 20 days go to. Can't wait to candle at day 7 to see how they are progressing. We are super excited to see what we end up with. This is the start of my daughters 4H hatch <3
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