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  • Users: Waz
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  1. Waz

    Hatching sultans and houdans

    has anyone ever hatched these breeds. i am about to and if someone could tell me the information i need to know that would be brilliant. thanks
  2. Waz

    URGENT My hen is crop bound and don't know what to do

    My hen has become crop bound but still is eating. She is making movements with her head as if she is trying to push it down. I don't know how long she has been crop bound for but i only noticed properly yesterday. She is not a energetic as the others and stands round a bit more but still eats...
  3. Waz

    HELP!!!! My hen is bleeding from hen pecking

    My hens seem to delight in pecking each other at them moment until now one is bleeding and being picked on alot. How do i stop this pecking business quickly and what shall i do with the bleeding one. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU
  4. Waz

    Taming Chicks

    How do i grow my chicks up to be tame and not be so scared of me the whole time. About 9 months ago i hatched some bantams and i handled them regularly and they didn't seem to enjoy being held so i would put them back. When they came of heat and went outside every time i went near the cage to...
  5. Waz

    Best Temp

    My incubator temperature fluctuates quite a bit between 37.3 and 38.4. is this bad or does it about two times a day. i hope it is ok because i have 30 eggs in my incubator. what is the best temp to keep eggs at. some say 37.5 and others 38 so i aim for somewhere inbetween. be glad...
  6. Waz

    IS she a broody

    My only bantam hen is sitting on eggs in the corner of the hut and is unusually tame. she sleeps there all night and day until i let her and her brother free range in the day. her poor brother trots around (when in the run) on his own with her in the house. If this sounds like she is broody...
  7. Waz

    Air bubble on the narrow end

    i am on day 17 and the air bubbles are still at the narrower end of the egg. do i wait for them to turn round or are they likely dead
  8. Waz

    HELP me with my incubator

    I have got a 56 egg incubator and i am having trouble I have used and food thermometer and bulb thermometer and now got a probe thermometer in there and they have all read different things. You can callibrate the temperature but if i adjust by one degree the other thermometers go too high or...
  9. Waz

    Transfering brooder through incubation

    is it ok to transfer the eggs between brooders when it comes to incubation. i ordered a incubator and it got delayed so started them off in a friends but when my incubator comes my friend needs his back as he also has some eggs to put in. will it be ok to transfer the eggs to the new incubator...
  10. Waz

    Pekin Bantam 7 months and not laying yet?

    I hatched out bantams in September 2018 and it is now May 2019 and still no eggs. One of the bantams from the same hatch laid in March time but i sold that Bantam on the same day :hit. Why did one bantam lay in march but this one still hasn't laid and it is May? If anyone knows or has any ideas...
  11. Waz

    Hens sleeping in the egg box

    Hello who can help solve an issue to get the hens to sleep on the perch and not in the egg box. every day i go out to find more Chicken poo in the egg box which then makes the eggs all dirty. how do i get my hens to sleep on the perch as i have tried placing them on there and they seem to just...
  12. Waz


    WHat hens are the best mothers. i have been recommended silkies but wondered if there was anything else...
  13. Waz


    How do you know if an egg is fertile
  14. Waz

    New BYC world.

    Hello I have had hens since I was young. I have kept up to 36 hens at one point but at the moment have got 15. I have 10 Nova Brown Layers and 5 Partridge Bantams, 2 cocks and 3 hens. The bantams are at point of lay and are beautiful birds. I have kept Warrens; Legbars; Light Sussex; White...
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