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  1. CrazyChicLadyLitheria

    Lethargic Rooster with seizures and drooling

    One of my roosters, Geek Mode, is very lethargic, is having seizures and is drooling mucus according to my son (I'm not there, I'm at work trying to fix my car). His poop is dark green and not runny and the picture he sent of his comb doesn't look pale. Does anyone know what could possibly be...
  2. CrazyChicLadyLitheria

    Frizzle Cochin Bantam Not Feathering Out

    I purchased 3 frizzle Cochin Bantams roughly a month ago. Two of them have gotten a lot of adult feathers (wings, back, body and tail stub) but one of the has only gotten a few wing feathers. The rest of it's body is just baby fluff. I was wondering if this is normal? Am I missing something...
  3. CrazyChicLadyLitheria

    Roo or hen?

    Okay so I'm curious as to if this ameraucana (or possible EE) is a roo or hen. They are 5 weeks and 3 days the day these pictures were taken. Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks! First three pics are of the bird in question. The last two are of the same breed and age added for comparison.
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