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  • Users: Hennessee
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  1. Hennessee


    What are the advantages of joining the American Bantam Association? (Does anyone sing that in their head like Garth's American Honky Tonk Bar, Association, LOL ) I don't plan on showing birds, but wouldn't be opposed, except to the docking combs part. I would be interested in breading...
  2. Hennessee

    Good-by Reuben.

    Well, I've had my lone rooster, Reuben for six months now, and we have become fast friends. Sadly, The one bad habit I can't break him of us bullying my wife. Honestly, and unintentionally, I think she makes it too much fun for him to chase her. So this morning, I am rehoming Reuben, to a...
  3. Hennessee

    Short Silly question

    I have a single rooster. No other chickens. I have a friend that may need a hen rescued. It seems that this particular hen is getting abused by the other chickens. Would it be okay to add one hen to a rooster?
  4. Hennessee


  5. Hennessee

    Wing clipping?? Fence Run height

    In my local ordinance, chickens are fine, but they can't run free. So, I am looking to fence an area for them. If I clip their wings, how high does the fence need to be?
  6. Hennessee

    I'm in the Hen House

    Since a kid, I have always loved the sound of a rooster crowing. We have a neighbor and I love hearing his crow every morning. But my neighbor isn't that close. It never occurred to me that this could be a problem. After all, it is a sound that rings in happy memories from my childhood. Who...
  7. Hennessee


    Hello, I've been thinking about chickens for a while, but I just rescued some kids from two barred rock Roosters. The kids were scared of the roosters, the roosters didn't actually hurt anyone. At any rate, I have two roosters in my garage, in separate dog kennels, each kennel sized...
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