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    Where do chickens go when they do not rest in there chicken run at night? Were did the eggs go?

    We have our chicken house locked up because we have a baby chick. We have bin letting our chickens free range. Were did the eggs go? We cant find any on our property. Could they be in our neighbors woods?
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    Ham, Egg, and Cheese Bagel Sandwich

    My mom and I made this the other day with our farm fresh eggs and it was so good! Serves One Person Ingredients: Raisen Bread Bagel or Plane Bagel Honey Smoked Ham Meet American Cheese Mayo 2 Eggs You will cook the eggs on a skillet, medium rare, and leave them a little bit runny. Put on the...
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    One of our Broody Hens successfully hatched 1 chick.

    Its bin about 21 days and our hens other two eggs have not hatched yet. I still think it was her first sucsessful hatching. We are a little confused because one out of three eggs hatched. Are the other two dead eggs? Our hen seems to have given up on those eggs. Our hen hatched a french cuckoo...
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    What’s the best type of bedding for the chicken run?

    Hello, everyone. I was wondering what is the best type of bedding that’s easy to clean and won’t get muddy easily for a chicken run outside of the chicken house?
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    Hello I’m New

    I have had chickens since I was a kid. I love having chickens! I took this photo this year in fall.
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    Preventing Hatching & Incubating Problems Advice Please

    5 of my eggs out of 15 hatched. Three had trouble hatching out of there eggs and died. The third one neck was bent, and was really hot and sticky, wet. Died out of the blue. What caused them all to die but two? When should you place food and water in the incubator for the chicks?
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