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  1. GuskHomestead

    Is this Easter egger a roo?

    This is an Easter egger I got from a friend. I finally picked it out as the fighting culprit in the flock. It keeps chasing and jumping on the other chicks and beating them up. I know it’s a show of dominance but the other chicks are super stressed and constantly screaming. I took it out and...
  2. GuskHomestead

    Finally done!

    My husband planned and constructed our run. We have a second coop to attach and a big house coop to build but for the most part it’s done! It’s just basic. Nothing fancy. The chickens love it.
  3. GuskHomestead

    Sapphire Sex-link rooster?

    I thought sexing sex-link was 100% accurate. This chick has a comb that’s twice the size and redness and face/beak then the other sapphires. Do I just have an abnormally large hen or is it indeed a roo? Thoughts? He is around 6 weeks.
  4. GuskHomestead

    Is this a rooster?

    Hey all. I’m 95% sure this is a Rhode Island (got it out of straight run bantams) just not sure what size. I also am trying to figure out it’s gender. Also, it’s waaaaay behind in development compared to the other breeds I got same day (Speckled Sussex and bantams). It’s also behind compared to...
  5. GuskHomestead

    Chicken as an ESA?

    So my 17 yr old cat who was my ESA passed recently and I’ve been looking for another. God is so funny. I have a Golden Sexlink that is a terror in the flock.....yet loves human contact. She prefers it. I wonder how weird it would be to have her as my ESA. From my research I’ve found that...
  6. GuskHomestead

    Had to move the littles

    So my Speckled Sussex, Road Island, Cochin, and Silkie are all trying to fly (all the chicks from the first batch). So I had to move them and make a flier barrier. Hahahahaha yay for tote lids!
  7. GuskHomestead

    Taming Chicks

    My chicks are all super skittish. I handle them daily so I don’t understand why. They epically flip out if I even move. 😣 How do I get them to be friendly like everyone is saying theirs are?
  8. GuskHomestead

    Sapphire Gems: The Unknown Chicken?

    Hello! So I know there’s not much known about this breed so I’m going to document mine. ☺️ I got 4 pullets today from Atwoods. Super excited! So far they seems to be very calm, docile, and curious. They seems to be alright with being handled.
  9. GuskHomestead

    Not sure what breeds of bantams I have.

    If anyone has any ideas I’m excited to hear! Such a mystery. I’ll get better pictures in a few days.
  10. GuskHomestead


    Just saying hi. I’m new to this site and to raising chickens. I welcome all advise!
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