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  1. fatsGREENgarden

    Serama-mix gender ?

    About 6 weeks old. Was told the chick on the left came from a sebright mom and serama dad. Boy or girl? The blue chick I think was an old English. We’re assuming rooster with a comb like that…? Could anyone give me tips on sexing seramas also? What about mixed breeds like these?
  2. fatsGREENgarden

    Sebright gender

    Was told this was a sebright. No idea the age. Girl or boy?
  3. fatsGREENgarden

    White crested polish he or she?

    Ok what does everyone think of this little guy or gal? Around 7 weeks old.
  4. fatsGREENgarden

    White serama boy or girl

    This one came to us feathered and I was told serama. Is this one a boy or girl?
  5. fatsGREENgarden

    Polish girl or boy

    Came from the “assorted polish” bin at the feed store. About 7 weeks old. Can anyone tell wether it’s a boy or girl?
  6. fatsGREENgarden

    Polish hen or roo

    About 6-7 weeks old. Came from Rural King as polish assorted. Hen or roo? Whatcha think?
  7. fatsGREENgarden

    Hen developed odd white feathers

    Curious if others have seen their chickens develop feathers of a different color? Our Hershey girl is about a year old and has basically all brown feathers until these new cool looking grey-white feathers. She is a year old.
  8. fatsGREENgarden

    Free loader year old hen

    fatsGREENgarden said: We have 5 hens between 17 months-2 years old. 4 mixes and one Asian Black. We normally get 2-3 eggs daily. In the spring sometimes we would get 4 eggs daily, but never 5. We’ve come to the conclusion that our Goldie (now known as The Golden Child) just doesn’t pull her...
  9. fatsGREENgarden

    Salt water bottle trick for freezing water

    I’ve read to put a plastic bottle filled with salt water in your waterer to keep it from freezing. We did this to the plastic 5 gallon hanging waterer. The water freezes in the shallow area where they drink from so we have to keep going outside and breaking it up. Now we’re using the same trick...
  10. fatsGREENgarden

    Before and after coop build

    We bought a small coop from tractor supply with the intentions of building our own down the road. Basically if we enjoyed having chickens, then we would build them a more permanent one. Eight months of chicken keeping and we were ready to build the coop of our chickens’ dreams. *We are blessed...
  11. fatsGREENgarden

    Washable Nesting Box pads Review

    I just wanted to share my success (so far) with washable nesting pads. I’ve been using them for 4 months now. I bought them on amazon- a pack of 6 was $27. Very easy to clean with a spray hose and we have yet to have a broken egg! I honestly didn’t think it would be enough “cushion.” Does...
  12. fatsGREENgarden

    Is Goldie a boy or girl?

    Hoping Goldie is a girl! She’s between 3-4 months old. Any guesses of sex and/or breed appreciated :)
  13. fatsGREENgarden

    Hen or roo Easter Egger

    Any guesses wether these two are boys or girls. I was told both are Easter Eggers and the bigger being a Bantam.
  14. fatsGREENgarden

    Betty or Ben Easter Egger

    Hello everyone! We were told Betty was a female Easter Egger. Is she? Also, we’ve had her 2 months and the past few weeks she has started pecking us. A LOT! No other chicken has ever done this like she is. I mean pecking our legs, our face if we’re holding her, it’s crazy! Guess that’s why...
  15. fatsGREENgarden

    Olive or Oliver Easter Egger?

    We’re hoping she’s a girl so we can keep her, but can anyone tell us for sure? I’m not sure how old she is, but was told she was a Bantam Easter Egger.
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