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  • Users: Bear1978
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Bear1978

    Getting into da quail!

    Hello! Its been a bit since I posted on here! But I am starting to raise quail, not just chickens now. I have 6 of them, all hens.. Currently they are in a elevated cage but I was thinking about making them a on-ground enclosure, something like the picture attached, which is from another BYC...
  2. Bear1978

    Not sure what else I can do?!

    Hey all! I got a new hen to add into my existing 2 year old flock about a week ago. The new addition is a hen that’s about a year old and my existing 6 hens are about 2 years old. I did the whole “see no touch” routine for about a week but when I let the new girl out of the separate...
  3. Bear1978

    Hello my fellow chickeneers, it’s been a while!

    Howdy guys and gals! It’s been a bit since I’ve stopped by and lurked through the forum! I’ve gotten to know a few of you from before so I hope everyone is doing well! My 6 girls (as in hens) are doing good! Almost a year old now! We made it through the arctic weather we had back at the...
  4. Bear1978


    FINALLY! Got my VERY first egg today! On Halloween! Lol!
  5. Bear1978

    Getting up with the chickens... NOT!

    Yeah. Pretty sure this saying only applies IF you have a crowing rooster in the flock.. My six hens are late sleepers! The sun rises a little after 7:00 here and sometimes it will be around 8 or a little after before I get out to open the pop door if I happen to shut it the night before and...
  6. Bear1978

    Spot on her beak.

    Hello all! When I let my girls out this morning I noticed this weird looks spot on just one of their beaks? She seems fine as she was eating and walking around as normal. It hasn’t been that cold here lately, it got down into the 40’s last night. They’re all about 16 weeks old and this one is a...
  7. Bear1978

    Egg laying now?

    My 6 girls are about 16 weeks old. I know they may possibly start laying within the next few weeks. My question is that with the days becoming shorter and less sunlight, will the onset of their first egg laying become delayed or altered in any way? thanks!
  8. Bear1978

    Has anyone ever tried this?

    As the cold weather approaches I’ve been looking into ways to keep my chickens’ water from freezing when it gets down below freezing temps. I don’t have access to electricity near the coop and I came across this vid. Has anyone tried this? And does it work? thanks!
  9. Bear1978

    Honoring those lost on this date 19 years ago.

    I can remember where I was at when I got word of the planes being flown into the Trade towers. Those images that played out on the news still haunt me to thus day. For those of us on who are old enough to remember, I’m sure it’s the same.. Let’s all take a moment of silence today as we remember...
  10. Bear1978

    I had a dream last night.

    That some how a couple of my chickens escaped the coop and were running around my yard! I could only catch one, Spaz and she wasn’t happy about it either! The other 3 that got out reluctantly came back to the coop but passed out as soon as they got inside! And then I somehow ended up a bird that...
  11. Bear1978

    Fallowing Garden Soil?

    Hello all my fellow BYC/garden folk! So I’ve had a small 10x20 garden in the same spot for the past 4 years.. It’s done very well in the past, but this year it has not done good at all.. I prepped the soil using some MiracleGro soil compost mix as well as some organic matter which I had...
  12. Bear1978

    I guess they like it THIS way?! Who knew?

    So come to find out, my girls prefer to have the human door OPEN during the day so they can lounge at the entrance.. There is more of a breeze coming through the coop with the big door open so they like that I’m sure. SO, I made a simple latch to keep it open during the day and so far they are...
  13. Bear1978

    Tune in to your local chicken tv channel!

    Good morning my fellow BYC flock! Not sure about everyone else, but for me, on this beautiful Sunday morning the local ‘chicken TV channel’ is what’s happening as I sit on my back porch swing drinking coffee before church this morning! Everyone have a blessed and awesome day!!
  14. Bear1978

    It’s Saturday!! Weekend plans!

    Chicken chores done. Gonna be another hot one here in the south. Fresh water, clean coop. Handful of grubbies. Breakfast is done. Wife is making a homemade strawberry cream cheese cake. Life is good! Always blessed! Never stressed!
  15. Bear1978

    Hardy har! HAR!!!

  16. Bear1978

    So long.. Farewell.. Good to see you again..

    Don’t know about the rest of my BYC flock members. BUT, I am READY for the cooler weather to be here! I get like this every year... As I’m sure most people do.. January - March; it’s cold. I’m ready for the warm weather! Stupid rona’ virus. April - June; YES! It’s getting warmer and the...
  17. Bear1978

    Topic searching for beginners!

    Hello all! As the amount of traffic and newcomers to this site increases I’ve noticed a lot of posts that concern already heavily discussed topics. Before a whole new thread on a topic is started, might I suggest using the ‘Search’ feature the admin of the site has so graciously provided for...
  18. Bear1978

    Pop door open 24/7.

    So I’ve searched and read through the forums here about leaving the coop pop door open 24/7 (dependent on weather and security). So I know that there are a variety opinions about this and it’s mostly based on personal preference and the person’s set up. BUT, with all that being said I’d like to...
  19. Bear1978

    ‘Brownie’ my Amberlink laying weird.

    I’ve noticed my 10 week old Amberlink pullet has been walking up near me the last coiple of days and laying down like this for a few seconds when I’m around her. Is this part of the whole submissive/egg laying squat they do as they get closer to egg laying age?
  20. Bear1978

    Black spot on pullet’s beak?

    Howdy all! This is ‘M’. My 8 week old pullet. She’s a California White. She has this black spot on her beak just above her nostril. Is this just a chicken coloration thing with this breed or something health related? She doesn’t seem to have any problems breathing or any drainage. Just this...
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