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  1. Wiccan chicken

    Free ranging

    I let my chickens go full free range today instead of putting them in a larger space. After about 40 minutes they went back into the small coop. Is this normal for chickens?
  2. Wiccan chicken

    Injured Buff Orpington

    My Buff Orpington hen has had trouble growing her middle claws. Over the past few weeks it lookedlike the one on her left foot was growing but today it looks like the nail broke off. I haven’t gotten a good look at it but I know it’s not bleeding. She is resting a lot and only walks when she...
  3. Wiccan chicken

    How do I stop this

    My chickens keep getting an injury between the beak and comb. Today I had a big scare with my Buff Orpington, she got one of the mysterious injuries along with my dominant Delaware hybrid hen. Even when I had my rooster all of them got the ingury so I don’t think they are hurting each other...
  4. Wiccan chicken

    Odd deformity

    One of my Buff Orpingtons has a toe deformity. Neither of her middle toes has a nail and it has caused her to be a bit smaller than the other chickens. Should I separate her so she can gain a bit more weight or should I keep her with the other chickens since it’s not a large difference? The...
  5. Wiccan chicken

    Freeloading hens

    I have 6 hens who are nearly 5 months old and are being fed layer feed and mealworms with ground up eggshells. I have also tried putting false eggs in the nesting boxes to get them accustomed to the laying section of the coop. I have a Delaware hybrid hen and rooster, two Buff Orpingtons, and...
  6. Wiccan chicken


    I have a homemade no crow collar for my now 5 month old Delaware Hybrid rooster. It worked for about 3 weeks but he started crowing again like the collar was never put on him. I’ve tried tightening and placing it on different sections of his neck but nothing is working. My hens are in complete...
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