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    Egg Laying & Heat

    Good morning all! I live in North Carolina and the temps are in the low 90's (thankfully not triple digits yet) and humid. Typical weather for this time of year. Our 5 hens haven't laid 1 egg in a couple of weeks. I know the heat affects them, but they are not over heated, have access to the...
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    I have a hen that's been broody for a couple of weeks now and we have to take make her get up and go eat and drink (we're not watching her all day though). This is my first time with chickens so I'm honestly not sure what to do. There's so many ideas and opinions on-line that it's very confusing...
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    Sexing golden Comet chicks

    I have chicks hatching in the incubator and was wondering how to tell their sex. I read somewhere the darker coloring were females and the lighter ones are male. Is there any truth to this theory? There's one with a dark stripe on it's head
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    Altsteirer rooster

    We recently inherited 5 Alsterier hens and would like to get a rooster to help increase the population. Any information and guidance would be appreciated. We're in North Carolina.
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    Hey everyone!

    We have recently inherited 5 Alsterier hens. I love the breed so far and realized they're endangered. I'm learning so much about raising chickens in general not to mention this particular breed. Looking forward to learning so much more!
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