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  • Users: Mugento
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Four year old australorp with a cough

    Hello, I noticed that our australorp has developed a cough. She is still eating and drinking, and doesn't seem out of sorts. The cough does not sound phlegmy and she'll just have one cough here and there. It sounds like a cross between a cluck and a cough. No one else in the flock seems...
  2. M

    Silver spangled hamburg cockerel needs a home

    Hello, we hatched a clutch of hamburg eggs that turned out to be three hens and one cockerel. We live in town and can't have a crowing rooster so our original plan was that we would raise any cockerels until they got their crow and then they would (insert air quotes) go to a farm. I am a...
  3. M

    Mama chicken just died

    We just had the saddest morning. Rosie, who was raising a clutch of chicks, was found dead in the pen. I didn't see any sign of injury on her body and, aside from 2 little fluffs of feather, I didn't see any sign of a struggle. She was 6 years old. Her chicks turned 3 weeks old this week so...
  4. M

    New Zealand chicken family

    Hi, I just joined BYC to get expert advice from the seasoned chook owners and see what othe chicken families are up to. We live in Christchurch, New Zealand with our small flock of 4 mixed breed chickens. Two of our ladies are past their laying years so they have moved to pet status while we try...
  5. M

    Sick hen and disturbed eggs, Day 21

    I am a first timer with hatching eggs. We have a hen that is constantly going broody. This time we bought fertile eggs and put them under her. All was well until yesterday (day 20) when she was up and agitated and I noticed that she had developed a sore near her chloaca that was infested with...
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