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  • Users: whittleah
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  1. W

    GREEN DIARHEA, purple comb

    I have a 1 year old mix breed hen who is very lethargic and weak. This morning I found her with her face and comb dark purple and when I pulled her out of the coop she had an explosion of green diarrhea. I quarantined her and am trying to get fluids into her. What could this be and what do I...
  2. W

    Chicken panting

    Any ideas on what could be causing my Olive egger hen to pant like this? I noticed it yesterday, but figured it was just the heat. However, she was still doing it this morning when it was cool. She’s been broody and hatched 7 chicks 5 weeks ago. She and her chicks are free range when I’m home...
  3. W

    Need mobile Duck coop ideas

    We have had chickens for quite a while now. We house them in a chicken tractor at night, but free range during the day. I’m needing ideas for a similar setup for ducks. I’m new to ducks, so I feel like there’s a lot I need to learn. Do they need protection from predators as much as chickens? As...
  4. W

    New onset bullying

    My flock is about a year old. All the same age and have been getting along great. Yesterday I noticed the rooster and some of the hens harassing anyone of the black stars. I broke it up, but it happened again today and she ended up flying over the fence. So I just let her free range for the day...
  5. W

    Sick Hen Help

    I have an 8 month old Colombian Wyandotte that is acting sickly. Yesterday, I noticed she didn’t really want to leave the coop, but I assumed she was wanting to lay, so I left her alone. This morning she was lying in the run. She got up and started eating the kitchen scraps I threw in, but moves...
  6. W


    I need advice with integrating new chickens. I have a flock of 15 that are about a month away from laying. About a month ago, I got four other chickens that are the same age, maybe a few weeks younger, that I got from a friend who was needing new homes for hers. They were always picked on, a bit...
  7. W

    Rationing Feed vs Free feeding

    I’m wondering if anyone here has experience with giving layers meals rather than free feeding. My chickens free range on about two acres (we have four, but they pretty much stay on one side of the property.) It’s a mixture of woods, mown yard, and tall grass/clover. They also have access to our...
  8. W

    Bought Wring Feed

    I have a flock of 14 week old layers. I accidentally ordered layer feed instead of grower. Is it okay to have them on layer feed this early if I supplement their protein? I know the high calcium in layer could be an issue as well. The problem is that I don’t have anywhere local to get this feed...
  9. W

    Leg/hip injury??

    I have a young Wyandotte that has been limping for two days. I’ve inspected her legs and feet closely and can’t find any visible injuries. It seems to be getting worse. She’s eating great, seems healthy, and still hobbles around the property with the rest of the flock, but just can’t put weight...
  10. W

    Fermented Food Molding

    I’ve been soaking feed for my laying hens for several weeks now. They absolutely love it. But all of a sudden Ive started having issues with it molding and smelling horrible. I didn’t change anything with my process. I put the food in a bucket and cover it with water and loosely with a lid and...
  11. W

    Isolating New chickens

    I’m adding three new pullets to my flock. They are the same age as my current flock (4 months). They are coming from a friend who takes very good care of her chickens. How careful do I need to be in regards to them bringing diseases to my chickens? I know you’re normally supposed to isolate for...
  12. W

    Introducing new chickens

    I have a flock of 16 layers that are 3 months old. My friend is rehoming 4 Easter egger hens that are 4 months old and I’ve decided to take them. How should I go about introducing them into the flock? They’re all young, so I’m thinking it shouldn’t be too difficult, but just looking for some...
  13. W

    Obnoxious rooster (possibly) help

    I have a flock of 16 10 week old layers. I’m pretty sure my Ameraucana is a rooster, but he hasn’t started crowing yet so I don’t know for sure. He’s larger than the rest and very obnoxious and doesn’t like to be touched, so I’m pretty sure it’s not a hen. When I let them out to free range, all...
  14. W

    Help Identifying Breeds

    I have a flock of 16 brown egg layers from McMurray hatchery and was wondering if someone could help me identify some of the breeds.
  15. W

    Possible Splay Leg??

    I have a batch of chicks that are 9 days old. Just yesterday I noticed that one chick is having a hard time walking. One leg appears to be splayed out to the side. She's a little smaller than the others but still eating and drinking fine. Since its only one leg, I'm not sure if its splay leg or...
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