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  1. Fluffets324

    How to stop this happening?

    I have 3 chickens - an isa brown and 2 silkies. My isa brown keeps running up to one of the silkies and nipping her head, and sometimes just suddenly chasing her. It never leads to anything, just a quick soft nip or a chase. Seems to be done with mild bad intent. However she gets on fine with...
  2. Fluffets324

    English heatwave (Tuesday)

    Just wanted to check in on fellow English chicken owners, are the chickens coping in the heat okay? Mine are coping better than I thought if I'm honest. Hope everyone's keeping cool ❤
  3. Fluffets324

    English heatwave

    So the next couple of days in England will be hitting around 39⁰ C (102 F). I have a 3½ YO isa brown and 2 2½ YO silkies. I really need the best tips to keep them cool, especially the fluffies! They do usually sit under our trampoline which is tbh pretty cool. Although not sure how another 10...
  4. Fluffets324

    RIP Pinga

    Another lot of news... our nearly 9 year old Sussex chicken Pinga has just passed away while having some cuddles. Pinga was an absolutely incredible chicken, defeated everything in her path and has majorly surprised us all with her strength and ability to get through everything (even starting to...
  5. Fluffets324

    RIP Libby

    We're sad to announce the loss of our rescue isa brown Libby. Libby (we think) had sour crop, like Tilly, and was going in the right direction, until we found she'd passed in her sleep. Libby was a gorgeous chicken, friendly with everyone and loved a snuggle, had beautiful feathers and a lovely...
  6. Fluffets324

    Sour crop returning?

    Just want to know some reasons sour crop may have made a reappearance in my chickens? We had it in April and it's been back over the last week. Their food and water quality is always high, change it as often as necessary, is there anything I could be doing wrong? Do I just need to keep cider...
  7. Fluffets324

    Has she got a broken foot? (Or similar?)

    My chicken Pinga is (we think) around 8 years old. She was fine yesterday but now, one of her feet is curled as she walks, almost like she's walking on her knuckles in a way. Her other foot is fine. I picked her up and realised the toes of the healthy foot, are quite strong and healthy, but the...
  8. Fluffets324

    Depression after a death?

    My chicken Libby seems quite depressed and not herself after we lost Tilly chicken. She does tend to keep to herself more and has a more "chill" personality, so she will often just sit with our 9 year old chicken and watch everything go by, but since we lost Tilly she stares through our gate...
  9. Fluffets324

    Anxious chicken

    My 2 year old silkie seems very nervous around people. She's happy enough to be physically close to us, but she seems very nervous and shy, and seems to panic a little bit. Is there anything I could try to help her not be so nervous?
  10. Fluffets324

    Tilly's plant

    After losing our rescue Tilly we have decided as mentioned previously that we would grow her a tomato plant as she loved tomatoes. We have received a slate sign with her name, beautifully designed by 'backyard designs store' on etsy to add to the plant.❤
  11. Fluffets324

    Remembering Tilly

    Unfortunately we've got some sad news to share. One of our rescue chickens, Tilly, passed away on April 21. We loved Tilly and she really had an impact on everyone who met her, whether she made them laugh or simply gave them the joy of one of her cuddles. As they were one of Tillys favourite...
  12. Fluffets324

    Learning each others name?

    I read something saying chickens can learn each others names, and I was wondering, is there a way to test whether they know each others name? Does anyone have any ideas?
  13. Fluffets324

    Chickens eating hair?

    3 of my chickens (ISA browns we think) about 3 years old. All have a habit of nibbling at my hair continuously. Can't work out why they're doing it unless it's because somethings missing in their diet? Only seem to be doing it during the bird flu lockdown. Any ideas/anyone experienced the same? :)
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