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  1. F

    3 year old Wyandotte has runny green poop

    Hi there, so one of my hens who is the top of the pecking order hasn’t been feeling her best the last few days. I noticed her bum was getting diarrhea stuck to it and have been closely watching her droppings where she has been sleeping at night and I’ve also seen her poop while I’ve been out...
  2. F

    My coop set up and what am I doing wrong?

    Hi group! I am pretty new to keeping chickens, I got my first flock 2 years ago but have been researching and dreaming of chickens for many years before that. When we finally moved to a place where we could have them I got right to work building my coop. I’ve loved having my hens they have...
  3. F

    Sour crop and molting hen

    I have a Rhode Island Red that is almost 2 years old. She has been going through a hard molt that she has been slow to regrow feathers so I switched her diet to a grower pellet about 3 weeks ago. About 1 week ago she started to act even more quite and keep to herself. I went on a work trip and I...
  4. F

    Rhode Island Red hen soft eggs and molting

    Hi there! So I’ve done a ton of reading online and I really can’t find a solution to my problem. So I have a Rhode Island Red hen that will be two this June. She has been a wonderful egg layer, she laid an egg almost everyday through winter even though she has been missing feathers on her back...
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