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  • Users: Egg_cited
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  1. Egg_cited

    Chicken has clear goo coming from vent

    One of my hens has weird clear goo coming from vent. Everytime she cleans herself the liquid comes out. Otherwise she is completely fine. Perky as it gets. Her bum is a little dirty as well. I just washed her a week ago. I gave her some papaya today. Should I be worried otherwise if she's...
  2. Egg_cited

    Is this the right chicken dewormer and dosage question

    This is all tractor supplies has right now. Could I give each hen a half a tablet each?
  3. Egg_cited

    Severe flystrike please help!

    I dont think she will make it there's so many even after washing her
  4. Egg_cited

    1 year old maran not laying for a week or 2

    Otherwise she is completely fine eating and drinking normally. There food has a good amount of protein around 20% and get oyster shells on the side. Everyone else is laying good not sure why she isn't.
  5. Egg_cited

    What happend to the egg?

    Today I was in my chicken coop and saw my 4 year old cochin jump out from the nesting box acting like she was done. So I went to grab the egg but all I found was a little piece of a egg shell and a little bit of egg yolk scattered around the nesting box? What happened? Her beak wasn't yellow so...
  6. Egg_cited

    Broody hen with impacted crop!

    I have a one year old maran that's is broody with a big impacted Crop probably at least half of her crop. In the past I have always succeeded in treating even with the most biggest impacted crops. Here's what I usually do! I give a good amount of papaya every single! Then massage the crop...
  7. Egg_cited

    Ivermectin for deworming?

    Here and there I notice some worms in poops and then I find none. Is ivermectin a good dewormer?
  8. Egg_cited

    White bugs in chickens poop!

    Today I was cleaning my chicken coop and noticed and unusual black poop I took a look inside and found multiple white little bugs crawling around almost like caterpillars. Is this normal?! The day prior I found one stool with worms aswell I'm trying to do the natural method of deworming like...
  9. Egg_cited

    Help with merging 2 chicken flocks TOGETHER!

    hey there for the past two months I have been trying to merge 2 flocks together. The original flock has a total of 14 hens and one rooster. The flock I'm trying to merge in has one tiny tiny silkie hen, a maran, and a small but feisty silkie roo. The first time I tried merging them together...
  10. Egg_cited

    Chicken crop question?

    Hey there! This morning I went to let out all of the chicken and like usall give them all there "crop" check. I then noticed that most of there crops are empty but have some weird almost seed like particles left over. Is that normal?
  11. Egg_cited

    Strange chicken stools

    I've noticed that my flocks stools are slightly weird. There are some that do look normal but there is also lots with a strange green tint quite a few liquidy stools to. I haven't dewormed any of them and don't really want to but if that's is my only choice I will. Everyone is active and doing...
  12. Egg_cited

    Chicken sprained leg!

    Today my neighbors dog had ran out while my flock was free ranging. The dog wasn't trying to attack the chickens but was just chasing them. Of course the chickens were terrified and were trying to run away. Now one of my girls is limping like crazy. She will eat and drink if I bring her to the...
  13. Egg_cited

    Can chickens have grass?

    Hey there! My flock gets to free range daily. Is it alright for them to be eating grass? I've heard that it can cause impaction in their crops? Adding to that is clover safe for chickens? I've read that it's more the longer strands that cause problems. I have provided a picture of how long the...
  14. Egg_cited

    Can chickens have red peppers?

    I have read that chickens can't taste bitter and that red peppers help from all sorts of parasites and that they keep away bell rodents. Some people said that their chickens even started laying better
  15. Egg_cited

    Silkie getting bullied!

    Around two weeks ago I added my smaller flock into my big flock. Everything went quite smoothly until now. My one silkie is getting bullied. She is missing most of her head feathers and has a little bit of dried blood. Please I need advise!
  16. Egg_cited

    Silkie roo twitching head?

    Hey there! I have a silkie roo that throughout the day his head twitches side to side almost looks like he has ticks:rolleyes: He has been doing that ever since he was a cockeral he is six months now. He twitches his head for a couple seconds then stops. He'll do that a couple times a day but...
  17. Egg_cited

    Chicken pecking at water to drink?

    I have a seven month old EE hen that for some reason pecks at the water to drink it? I have a regular water container where they just drink out of.
  18. Egg_cited

    Question about safeguard for deworming

    About 2 weeks ago I noticed a couple stools with a roundworm in it. Today I found another stool with a very tiny worm in it. So I think it's time to deworm. Does tractor supplies sell any dewormers? Also is it still okay to give everyone dewormer even if some don't have any?
  19. Egg_cited

    How many of my chickens have scaly leg mites?

    I know a couple of them have it for sure. But would like to know about the others. I already put coconut oil on there feet. Chicken 1 2 3 4 5 6
  20. Egg_cited

    Scaly leg mites does coconut oil treat it?

    I have two chickens with scaly leg mites. They're are both acting fine but I still would like to treat it. Does coconut oil treat them? I have the more solid type of oil but it should still work fine. Adding to that do I completely soak there legs in it or do I just put a little bit?
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