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  1. C

    My chicken needs her beak trimmed and I’m unsure/scared.

    Hello! When my broody hen finally stopped being broody today I noticed her top beak and almost something hanging on it upon further inspection I found her top beak has grown larger than it should. It isn’t impeding her eating horribly she can still eat but I’m sure she would say other wise...
  2. C

    How do you treat your chickens for worms?

    Hello! I’m wondering how everyone treats there chickens for worms. I know a lot of people treat them every six months but what does everyone use? We use that one powder that starts with a D (to lazy to go look at the name LOL). And we’ll put apple cider vinegar in there waters every once in...
  3. C

    Help: Chicken is showing signs of prolapse or something else? Need advice on how and what to treat her for

    So about 6 months ago my chicken (2 years old black sex link possibly) molted and ever since then she has not been the same. She stopped laying but it never seemed to be a problem. We treated her for multiple things nothing worked so we just assumed maybe she just didn’t want to lay. However in...
  4. C

    Hello I am Grace!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chickens during the lockdown in 2020 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 4 chickens right now (3) What breeds do you have? I am unsure because what we asked for is not what we got. However, I believe we...
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