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  1. C

    Hen has white spots on back of earlobe

    I'm not sure if these are mites, lice, mold, or something else but my hen has had these white spots on what I believe is her earlobe for a long time, starting to think this is something that needs action, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Appreciate any advice
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    Does this look like it's from a parasite?

    Trying to figure out what the brown crust on my chicken's comb and waddle are and figured the fine folks at backyard chickens might know. Does anyone know what this might be from? Is it reasonable to think it might be from mites/lice?
  3. C

    Duck sounds like her sinuses clogged/inflamed

    Hi all, recently added a Buff duck and Silver Appleyard duck to the flock. Since we got them as hatchlings, the Silver Appleyard seems to have some respiratory issues. She has always been pretty sneezy and has been breathing heavily, the way it sounds when someone's sinuses are semi-clogged...
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    Dead Legged Duck

    One of my duck's (10 weeks) legs is totally dead, she cannot move it and does not feel it. The other leg is fine. She can still swim with one leg, the other just dangles. I've already been to the vet a couple times and the prognosis is not great, x-rays showed no issue and the vet is under the...
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    Bumpy, Deformed Duck Bill

    Hi fellow duck guardians. We recently got 3 cayuga ducks and noticed one was a bit smaller than the other two. Now we've come to realize she has a bit of a bumpy and malformed beak, with the top and bottom not lining up (seems like the top is not developing correctly). Attached is one of the...
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    Greetings, Friends

    I recently moved from a major city to an area where I could buy more land, taking advantage of the ability to work remotely permanently, and got hitched along the way. I was able to convince my wife to get 4 Rhode Island Red chicks and we both took to raising the animals so much that within a...
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