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  1. L


    These chicks were given to me by a teacher. I assume they are all females. Two were very fast featherers and one ( light brown) has a very prominent pinkish comb and waddles for a 3 week old, and that was throwing me off and the other two also have small white combs and waddles ( also 3 week...
  2. L

    Update: It was an impacted crop. All healed! Is this an abscess? Pecking injury in 2 day old chick.

    My hen only hatched out 1 chick. I think she may have killed 2 chicks accidentally trying to help them peck out. I called a friend who sells chicks and she said she’d bring me one 2 day old chick. While waiting for that chick another chick hatched - day 25. I introduced the new 2 day old chick...
  3. L

    Hello from Alaska

    Hello. I am Vi from Alaska. I have had chickens for 2 years now. I have 6 in total. I tried hatching some chicks recently via Incubator but I think I have failed!! I am on day 23. I posted my question on the incubation forum!! I have a broody mama though so she will most likely hatch hers. I...
  4. L

    Chicks Day 23, one egg piped and halfway zip- 2 days later still alive with yolk and blood

    This is my first time incubating chicks. I think my incubator humidity is off. I have 7 eggs that are on day 23. Two days ago one chick piped and started to zip 1/4 around the egg and then went erratic and stopped. I helped to crack the air cell yesterday. The chick is still in its sac and I can...
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